No. 43 September 1998
Reasons for including music and songs in the foreign classroom
Note from the President
Congress Calendar
Forum on Controversial Issues
News and Views
Books and Journals
From the Editor

We open this issue with seven reasons for including music and songs in the FL classroom. The Presidents Denis Cunningham and Simon Greenall propose closer co-operation between FIPLV and IATEFL in Note from the President. Our Congress Calendar is already in 2001. Michel Candelier announces a session of workshops on languages and peace to take place in Graz (Austria) and a preliminary information on XX FIPLV Congress in Paris in the year 2000. As usual we also report on the recent FIPLV involvement (FIPLV News). Claus Orht considers the problem of multilingualism in Forum on Controversial Issues. The Member Associations, as well as institutions in co-operation with, inform about their recent and future activities (News and Views). A list of journals issued by and for language teachers, sent to the Editor’s address, is published in Books and Journals: Publications received. More specific information about the XX FIPLV Congress can be found at the end of the volume.

Teresa Siek-Piskozub

Editor of Publications-FIPLV


Reasons for including music and songs in the foreign classroom
by Teresa Siek-Piskozub

Music and songs are teaching devises appreciated by some and neglected by others in the language teaching profession. I would like to give some reasons why we should make good use of songs in the foreign language classroom.

  1. The omnipresence of music owing to the rapid development of technology and its popularity with young people. Research shows that adolescents and young adults spend from 7-14 hours a week listening to pop-music.
  2. Songs and music are one of the greatest human universals and have played a vital role in the philogenetic and ontogenetic development of Homo Sapiens. Many anthropologists and linguists believe in the original primacy of singing over speaking. Like legends and ballads early songs preserved important social or political experiences of given cultures. Research also indicates the so called ‘language in the crib’ resembles singing more than speech. Cultures have also developed a repertoire of songs for their progeny which has aid their emotional, cognitive and social development.
  3. Devoted language teachers of all times have found songs a valuable resource for language teaching despite the differences of methodology dominating in their time. Saint Augustine in the Middle Ages, the Direct method of the nineteenth century, late Audiolingualism and recent Communicativism, not to mention alternative methods like Suggestopedia have found diversity of values in music and song as a teaching device.
  4. Research, although currently limited in its scope, indicates that songs have great potentials for stimulating learning in general and language learning in particular. Exposure to music and singing increases positive results of problem solving tasks. Introducing music and singing in the education of mentally impaired children has resulted in their better emotional, cognitive and social development. Background music during the language classroom resulted in the acquisition of 13% of the vocabulary present in the songs after two month exposure with no reference to the songs’ content. Receptive skills are found to develop equally well and with unmotivated students even better when songs are part of the teaching syllabus. Units of structure are retrieved in memory better with ‘unsuccessful language learners’, etc.
  5. Introducing music and songs to the FL classroom complies with the modern humanistic approach in education. It stimulates global development of the learner as it stimulates the right hemisphere of the language learner affecting learners emotions (reception of music). It also may affect the learner’s philosophy of life (reception of the content of song) as well as his/her social sphere (collective encounter and possibility of sharing ideas and opinions).
  6. The lyrics of song are a wealth of didactic material. Vocabulary, structure, phonological features, receptive and productive skills, as well as types of discourse and register may be practised with various uses of songs in the classroom. Whatever can be done with the oral or written text can also be used with song lyrics.
  7. Involvement of proponents of songs to inseminate their experience among the profession results in the growing collections of techniques to be used along with songs enabling others to enrich their practice of teaching.
This is an abbreviated version of a paper presented during the FIPLV Congress in Brazil. Teresa Siek-Piskozub is a professor of Applied Linguistics at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznañ and a teacher trainer.
Note from the President
FIPLV AND IATEFL : A Model for Collaboration

1 Introduction

Cooperation at the personal level often offers challenges. At the international level, one would expect that these challenges would be magnified. In addition to personal traits which may hinder working together harmoniously, at the international level one anticipates other factors that could have the potential to divide. These may be linguistic, cultural, racial, religious, political, historical, ethnic, geographical, gender, economic, personal, or idiosyncratic. There may be others. An essential product of civilisation is the maturity to accept, respect and value difference, while building upon the similarities within individuals, often the cornerstones which underpin desirable, quintessential elements of humanity. The thrust of this joint paper presupposes the above, proposing a partnership of trust, collaboration and friendship, a model to emulate. The specific context is that of international associations - or NGO's (ie Non-Governmental Organisations) - with a shared goal but with separate identities, each recognising and respecting the autonomy of the other. There are many reasons for closer cooperation and collaboration, strengthened by the individual diversity, history, achievements and character of the other. Some of these may be pragmatic, others humanitarian, and others financial.

The ultimate aim, however, is to create a better world by enhancing personal and intercultural understanding, acceptance, cooperation, friendship and peace. The means of achieving this are varied and may, on the surface, appear superficial - but one needs to search for the rigour and far-reaching benefits of each proposal.

2 Sharing, Collaboration and Partnership

Possible means of sharing could include:

- exchange of membership lists

- exchange of regular mailouts

- sharing of information of critical issues of interest to the other

- sharing of professional networks (eg email addresses)

- website linkages

- exchange of publications

- contributions to the publications of the other association

- sharing of expertise on topics in publications of the other

- reciprocal agreement to be able to reprint articles of the other

- reciprocal publicity of international conferences of the other

- reciprocal publicity of local conferences/activities of the other

- collaboration between members of national/regional affiliates

- timing and locating of conferences to coincide or abut

- invitation to the other to contribute to conference programs

- participation in the conferences, activities of the other

- advice on (keynote) speakers

- frequent meetings of Presidents/Executive officers of both associations

- timing and locating of meetings/conferences in concert to coincide or abut

- participation in conferences/activities of the other and affiliates

- sharing of itineraries of trips to facilitate meetings

- collaboration on issues in common

- collaboration on such issues as mission statements, strategic plans, etc

- sharing on association structures, SIGs and membership possibilities

- sharing of existing networks

- advice based on prior experience in certain domains

- advice on technology

- suggestions on ways to improve finances

- reciprocal agreement to sponsor fees of (up to three) delegates at conferences

- advice on fund-raising activities

- advice on sponsorship possibilities

- collaborative approach to fund-raising and sponsorship

- advertising of publications, resources, activities of the other

- exchange of travel movements and establish a system for mutual publicity

- mutual provision of schedules for representation and contact details

- rationalised participation at meetings where both are to be represented

- wider feedback from participation to include the other

- publicity of the other association, wherever possible

3 Recommendation

As indicated, we would like to recommend the above as a start in bringing associations and individuals closer together.

4 Acknowledgement

The above derives from the desire for closer collaboration and emanates directly from a meeting of FIPLV and IATEFL officers - including Tuula Penttilä and Catherine Walter, in addition to the authors - in Manchester in April, and from personal communication and discussions with Prof Chris Candlin, President of the Association Internationale de la Linguistique Appliquée, in Melbourne in July. Our expression of gratitude is extended to those mentioned.

Denis Cunningham

President, Fédération Internationale des Professeurs de Langues Vivantes


Simon Greenall

President, International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language


L'enseignement des langues et la Paix

La FIPLV organise, en collaboration avec le Comité International Linguapax, un atelier du Centre Européen pour les Langues Vivantes de Graz (CELV, Conseil de l'Europe) consacré à la contribution de l'enseignement des langues vivantes à la cause de la Paix. Les animateurs de cet atelier, qui aura lieu du 30 septembre au 3 octobre 1998, seront des représentants du Comité International Linguapax, du «Global Issues Special Interest Group » de IATEFL, et bien sûr de la FIPLV. Le Bureau de la FIPLV participera à l'atelier. La coordination générale de cette action est assurée par Michel Candelier, ancien Président de la FIPLV. Les participants seront des représentants d'associations d'enseignants de langues en Europe (ou de structures associatives regroupant de telles associations), désignés et pris en charge par leur gouvernement respectif (comme cela est habituellement le cas pour les ateliers du CELV de Graz). Un effort particulier sera assuré afin d'assurer la participation de

collègues de pays situés dans des zones de conflit armé récent ou potentiel, en particulier des Balkans.

L'objectif sera :

Il s'agira également de mettre en place une coopération durable entre associations de divers pays portant sur ces mêmes objectifs de tolérance et de Paix.

Des séances de réflexion commune alterneront avec des ateliers pratiques de présentation de matériaux didactiques spécifiques.

La FIPLV souhaite pouvoir multiplier, dans diverses régions du monde, de telles initiatives qui correspondent à une de ses missions essentielles.

Michel Candelier (Paris)

XXème Congrès de la FIPLV
22-26 Juillet 2000
Enseigner les langues à l'aube du 21ème siècle - les défis de la pluralité

Le 20ème Congrès de la FIPLV a lieu en l'an 20(00), dans la ville où la FIPLV a été créée (en 1931).

Il sera organisé par l'APLV (Association française des professeurs de langues vivantes) et l'Université René Descartes Paris V (Centre Technique de Langues). Il aura lieu dans les locaux mis à disposition par l'Université René Descartes Paris V, au Quartier Latin (rue des Saints-Pères, avec une manifestation en Sorbonne). On trouvera ci-dessous les thèmes retenus. Le prochain « FIPLV World News » donnera des informations plus détaillées sur les thèmes du Congrès, son déroulement et l'inscription.

M. Candelier (Paris)

[Editor’s note: for more information see pp.20-21]


JULY 12 - 17 1998

WorldCALL, an international conference focusing upon the use of computers and technology in language learning, was an initiative of Professor June Gassin, Director of the Horwood Language Centre of the University of Melbourne, Australia. It was designed to draw upon and expand the tradition of EuroCALL and CALICO and transfer the impact to the international arena - while showcasing the excellent developments in the field in Australia. The President of FIPLV was invited to be a member of the Organising Committee sharing the responsibility with June Gassin, Robert Debski and Mike Smith of the Horwood Language Centre, Mike Levy of the University of Queensland and Clare MacAdam of Fauth Royale.

Over 300 participants from 30 countries were able to benefit from an immensely rich program, underpinned by the heritage and expertise of EuroCALL and CALICO conferences, as well as the contributions of others outside these two traditions on opposite sides of the Atlantic. This is one of the factors that made it special, building upon the priority to include participation from Lesser Developed Countries (LDC's). Scholarships funded through the conference organisation enabled the participation of six from such countries.

An excellent program complemented the lighthouse plenaries of the keynote speakers: Professors Ben Schneiderman, Graham Davies, Madanmohan Rao, John Barson and Chris Candlin.

These plenaries by experts in the field created a context at the cutting edge of technology in language learning, begging issues such as : future directions; learning styles; autonomous learning; teaching how to learn; instructional design; empirical research; the impact of technology in lifelong education; access and equity; and creativity in a rapidly evolving global society.

Another 100 sessions included seminars, workshops and symposia, stimulated by the keynotes and reflective of six specific streams.

Among the many participants were some who had also attended the 1997 FIPLV World Congress in Recife (Brazil).

As indicated, the plenaries were incisive in their perception and stimulating in their provocation of reflection, many sessions were excellent and the potential for networking was considerable. Associations were also prominent in their representation: Chris Candlin, President of AILA, Graham Davies, President of EuroCALL, Nina Garrett, President of IALL, Peter Voss, Vice-President of AFMLTA (Australia), while Denis Cunningham represented FIPLV (and the Victorian School of Languages).

A comprehensive selection of tourist and educational visits fleshed out the complete program.

In addition to the many rich, informative encounters and discussions with world-renowned experts in CALL, there was a possibility to pursue matters with representatives of international (Chris Candlin, AILA, Gary Motteram of IATEFL) and national associations (Anna Coetzee, SAALT of South Africa;, Peter Voss and Enza Tudini of AFMLTA of Australia; and Terry Atkinson, ALL of the UK, who is also webmaster of the FIPLV homepage).

WorldCALL, a riveting and rich experience, was described by one participant - also a regular at EuroCALL and CALICO - as the best CALL conference he had attended. The list of participants, with their email addresses, was an excellent initiative.

The Proceedings, a complete compilation of 800-word summaries of all papers, will soon be published.

WorldCALL II will probably take place in 2002, coinciding with the World Cup, at a venue to be decided. It, too, will be an event not to be missed.

Denis Cunningham

President : FIPLV


Congress Calendar

7-8 November 6th Annual Convention of TESOL Macedonia - Thrace. Theme: Steps and Stages. Venue: University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki. Information: Michael Carty, Convention Coordinator , 4, Vassilisis Olgas str., 546 40 Thessaloniki, Greece, Tel/Fax: + 031 867.142

20-23 November JALT’98 Conference. Theme: Focus on the Classroom. Venue: Omiya City. Information: JALT Central Office, Urban Edge Buldg 5F, 1-37-9 Taito, Taito-ku, Tokyo 110, Japan, tel: 03-3837-1630, fax: 03-3837-1631

24-26 November English in Southeast Asia. Theme: Asian Perspectives Venue: the University of Brunei Darussalam. Information: Fax: +673 2 4215281.

1-5 December 1st KAZTEFL Conference. Information:


19-21 January Moscow State University Faculty of Foreign Languages/Moscow Association of Applied Linguistic. Theme: Speech Communication: Secrets of Success. Venue: Moscow. Information: Fax: 7 095 932 88 67

21-23 January 19th Annual ThaiTESOL International Conference. Theme: Towards New Millennium: Trends and Techniques. Venue: Ambassador Hotel, Bangkok. Information: fax: +66 2 218 6027.

3-13 March TESOL’99. Venue: New York. Information: TESOL Central Office, 1600 Cameron Street, Suite 300, Alexandria, VA 22314-2751 USA. Fax: 703-518-2535

20-21 March TESOL Greece 20th Anniversary Convention. Theme: Language Learning: From the 20th to the 21st Century. Venue to be announced. Information: TESOL GREECE, 40-42 Mikras Asis Str. 115 27 Athenes, Greece

19-21 April RELC Seminar. Theme: Language in the Global Context: Implications for the Language Classroom. Venue: SEAMEO Regional Language Centre, Singapore. Information: Seminar Secretariat, SEAMEO Regional Language Centre, 30 Orange Grove Rd. Singapore 258352, Republic of Singapore. Tel: (65)737 9044; Fax: (65) 734 2753; E-mail:

28 March- 1 April 33rd International IATEFL Annual Conference. Venue: Edinburg, Scotland. Information: IATEFL Head Office, 3 Kingsdown Chambers, Whitestable, CT5 2FL, UK; Tel: +44 (0) 1227 276528; E-mail

1-3 May 32nd Pozna? Linguistic Meeting (PLM). Venue: Adam Mickiewicz University, Pozna?. Information: Katarzyna Dziubalska-Ko?aczyk, School of English, Adam Mickiewicz University, al. Niepodleg?o?ci 4, 61-874 Pozna?, Poland; tel: + 48 61 852-88-20; fax: +48 61 852-31-03; email:

6-9 July 12th National Biennial Languages Conference. Theme: Global Citizenship; Languages and Literacies. Venue: Adelaide. Information: Jennifer Harris, MLTASA, C/O GPO Box 622, Adelaide 5001. Fax: + 08 8301 6611; email:

11-15 July 34th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology. Theme: Multiple Modernities in an Era of Globalization. Venue: Tel Aviv. Information: Congress Secretariat: ortra Ltd. 1 Nirim St., P.O.B. 9352, Tel Aviv, 61092, Israel; tel.: +972-3-638-4444; fax: +972-3-638-4455; email:

1-6 August AILA’99. Theme: The Roles of Language in the 121st Century: Unity and Diversity. Venue: Tokyo, Japan. Information: AILA’99 Tokyo Secretariat, Simul International, 13-9 Araki-cho, Shinjuku, Tokyo 160, Japan. Tel: 03-3226-2822, Fax: 03-3226-2824, website

1-4 September IATEFL/SIG TDTR4. Theme: Reflective Learning, Venue: Leuven, Belgium. Information: Information: IATEFL, 3 Kingsdown Chambers, Kingsdown Park, Whitstable, Kent, CT5 2DJ, UK. Phone + 44 (0) 1227 276528, Facsimile +44 (0)1227 274415. Email . World-wide Web

October 2nd Pan Asian Conference Theme: Teaching English: Linking Asian Cultures and Contexts. Venue: Seoul, Korea. Information: Kip Cates, Tottori University, Tottori City, Japan 680. Tel/Fax: 0857-31-5650, email:

25-27 November Language TEA. Theme: Language TEA for Thinking Schools. Venue: Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Information: Dr Khong Chooi Peng, Fax: (65) 792 6559, E-mail or Mrs Rahda Raviadran, Fax: (65) 789 4080, E-mail


April FMF-Bundestagung. Venue: Berlin. Information: Dieter HeroldKulenkampstrasse 15 H, D-23566 Lübeck, Germany; Tel: + 49 451 3 27 91; Fax: + 49 451 3 55 43;

13-14 May IATEFL East. Venue: Bulgaria. Information: IATEFL Head Office, 3 Kingsdown Chambers, Whitestable, CT5 2FL, UK; Tel: +44 (0) 1227 276528; E-mail

30 June - 4 July 7th International Conference on Language and Social Psychology. Venue: Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales, UK. Information: Fax: ICLASP (+44) 1222 874242; e-mail:

17-22 July Xe Congrès mondial de la FIPF. Venue: La Sorbonne, Paris. Information: Secrétariat Général de la FIPF, 1, Av. Léon Journault, F-923311 Sèvres Cedex.

22-26 July 20th Congress of FIPLV. Venue: Paris. Information: Michel Candelier, phone/fax: + 33 1 40 18 39 51; e-mail:


30 July - 4 August 22. Internationale Deutschlehrertagung. Venue: Luzern, Schweiz

Forum on Controversial Issues
Multilingualism - A wild dream or an essential to life?
by Claus Ohrt
  1. 75% Italians, 74% Englishmen, 67% Frenchmen, 60% Germans do not understand a second language [Finkenstaedt-Schröder, Sprachen im Europa von morgen, Langenscheidt 1992].
  2. How can it be plausible under these circumstances that a sole common language (i.e. English) could be enough for communication between speakers of different languages?
  3. "FLE can no longer be restricted to language learning proper, and its purpose cannot be the acquisition of linguistic competence (in the narrow sense) alone [Doyé-Hurrell, Foreign language learning in primary schools, Council of Europe 1997]. The perfect command of any foreign language requires also a cultural insight. Without such an insight speakers of other languages will never be understood completely (both in politics and business) as Henke-Pogarell have shown in an article [Henke-Pogarell, Misslungene Verkaufsgespräche, lingua 803, Wirtschaftsuniversität Budapest 1993].
  4. Intercultural insight means awareness of the culture of one’s own and realization of and tolerance towards the foreign culture.
  5. Realisation, insight and tolerance with regard to other cultures will be achieved more easily the less the learners stiffen, so to speak, in the culture of their own (ethnocentricity).
  6. "An essential reason for the development of stereotypes is the ethnocentricity, where social-cultural standards of the culture of one’s own are used for the assessment of other ethnic groups" [Frank-Michael Kirsch, Stille aber ist Mangelware, Dissertation Stockholm 1998; translation by CO]. The later the study of the first foreign language starts the greater will the difficulties become to avoid ethnocentricity.[Doyé, Zweitsprachenunterricht in der Grundschule als Beitrag zu interkultureller Verständigung, Deutschunterricht für Ungarn II/1991]. "For many young children, contact with members of other cultures is no longer an event that might occur in the distant future, but an immediate possibility in their present-day lives. They actually meet people of a foreign culture and therefore with a foreign language and consequently have to cope with the situations arising out of such encounters. It is the duty of the school and of FLE in particular to help them in their learning, i.e. in the acquisition of the required skills, knowledge and attitudes" [Doyé-Hurrell, Foreign language learning in primary schools, Council of Europe 1997].
  7. Therefore, the teaching of the first foreign language should begin as early as possible. "The young child below the age of 10 enjoys language experience. He is ready to learn, to listen, to communicate by word of mouth, in playful and dramatic situations. With favorable motivation he is emotionally amenable to a second and even a third language" [A.Gesell, Developmental trends in language behaviour, 1956 cit. in Doyé-Hurrell]. Since, as I said before, a sole foreign language (Lingua Franca) is not enough, should several different foreign languages be offered as first foreign language in the curriculum.
  8. The process of learning the first foreign language should equip the learners with methodical tools necessary for the learning of further languages in case that for different reasons teaching of a second, third or even fourth foreign language cannot be offered.
  9. However, since it will be good to international understanding to command of several foreign languages (more or less complete) authorities should aim at offering such possibilities during the course of education.
  10. Communication with speakers of other languages will also promote the human development of young people and contribute to learn not to overvalue what is peculiar for the young being’s own country, people, language etc.
[Editor’s note: this is an abridged version of the article from "IDV-Rundbrief" 60, April 1998 in theses form]
News and Views
Book Aid International

Access to information is vital for the development of individuals, communities and nations. However, in the world's poorer countries governments struggle to pay the salaries of teachers and librarians let alone provide funds to purchase books. Ordinary people can rarely afford to buy the books they need for school or college courses.

Book Aid International is a non-governmental organisation which for forty years has been working in partnership with libraries and educational organisations in the developing world to support literacy, education, training and publishing. Books donated by individuals, schools, libraries and publishers in the UK are provided to public libraries, community resource centres, schools, universities and training colleges in Africa, South and South-East Asia, the Caribbean, the Pacific Islands and the Middle East through an effective network of local partner organisations.

In recent years Book Aid International has been supporting English language teaching programmes in Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, Lao and Namibia. The countries of South-East Asia have adopted English as a national second language and place great emphasis on the necessity of learning English. There are, however, very few qualified and experienced English teachers and Book Aid International is supporting the work being undertaken by English teacher trainers from Voluntary Service Overseas. The need for reading materials to support learners is illustrated by this VSO teacher: "The students at the college have a great desire to read and learn, as do the teachers. There are very few books compared to the number of students. For example, we have 20 guided readers and over 1,000 enthusiastic students."

At independence in 1990 the Namibian government decided to adopt English, rather than Afrikaans, as the country's official language. As English is the mother-tongue of only 0.6% of schoolchildren and there is a shortage of teachers fluent in the language an English Language Teacher Development Project has been set up to support teachers and students through the transition period.

In order to provide meaningful support to these projects Book Aid International needs to identify sources of appropriate learning materials. The need is primarily for methodology books, course books at beginners level, guided readers for both children and adults and dictionaries. There is also a more limited need for French, Portuguese and Arabic materials and materials in local African languages.

With its beliefs in equality of access to information and the importance of languages as a tool for national development we believe that FIPLV has much in common with Book Aid International and future collaboration could be of value to both organisations.

Editor’s note: In the first instance we would like to gauge the level of interest among FIPLV members, so if you feel that your local association could help to support language teaching in the developing world please contact Catherine Phillimore(Acquisitions team) at Book Aid International for more information mentioning FIPLV. Tel:0171 733 3577, Fax:0171 978 8006 ,

[Book Aid International (Registered Charity no. 313869), 39 - 41 Coldharbour Lane, LONDON SE5 9NR, Tel : 0171 733 3577 Fax : 0171 978 8006, Website

FIPLV is always willing to co-operate with any humanitarian organisations.


Internationaler Fremdsprachenkongress in Luxemburg
vom 16. - 18. April 1998

Knapp 800 Teilnehmer reisten in der Woche nach Ostern gen Luxemburg - aus Luxemburg, Belgien, den Niederlanden, Frankreich, Großbritannien, Finnland, Norwegen, Portugal, Spanien, der Schweiz, Österreich, Deutschland. Unter dem Motto "Moderner Fremdsprachenunterricht für die Bürger Europas" richtete EUROLINGUA a.s.b.l., ein Zusammenschluß des FACHVERBANDES MODERNE FREMDSPRACHEN (FMF) mit drei Fremdsprachenverbänden Luxemburgs [ALEA: ASSOCIATION LUXEMBOURGEOISE DES EINSEIGNANTS D'ANGLAIS; APFL: ASSOCIATION DES PROFESSEURS DE FRANÇAIS DU GRAND-DUCHÉ DE LUXEMBOURG a.s.b.l.; LGV: LETZEBUERGER GERMANISTENVERBAND] und mit Unterstützung des 'Ministère de l'Éducation Nationale et de la Formationne Professionelle du Luxembourg' sowie der Europäischen Kommission (DG XXII) einen internationalen Fremdsprachenkongreß aus.

Diese Veranstaltung war gleichzeitig der fünfte Bundeskongreß des FMF in den neunziger Jahren nach Lübeck (1990), Freiburg (1992), Hamburg (1994) - auch als Weltkongreß von FIPLV mitgestaltet - Kassel (1996). An einem der wichtigen Orte der Begegnung von Menschen aus dem frankophonen und dem deutschsprachigen Kulturkreis haben Expertinnen und Experten aus Schulen, Seminaren, Hochschulen und Weiterbildungsinstitutionen das internationale Fachpublikum zu einer Standortbestimmung des Fremdsprachenunterrichts in gut 130 Referaten, Seminaren und Podiumsdiskussionen angeregt. Dem Kongreß lag folgende Strukturierung zugrunde:

  1. Herausforderungen für einen modernen Fremdsprachenunterricht in Europa im 21. Jahrhundert;
  2. Ausbildung der Sprachlehrenden und Sprachtrainer in europäischer Dimension;
  3. Didaktik und Methodik eines Sprachunterrichts in europäischer Dimension.
Ein Kulturprogramm (Lesungen, musikalische Darbietungen, Stadtführungen und Ausflüge in die attraktive Umgebung von Luxemburg-Stadt) umrahmte die erfolgreiche Tagung.

Dieter Herold, Lübeck (Bundesrepublik Deutschland)

Multilingualism and the French Language in Israel
Colloquium in Tel-Aviv
June 22 - 23 1998

The initiative of Dominique Suquet, attaché linguistique at the Institut Français in Tel-Aviv, the primary focus of the colloquium was to address the future of French in a context of multilingualism in Israel. It attracted some 150 participants, mainly teachers of French, but also local inspectors for languages (Arabic, English, French), and representatives of these languages as well as German, Russian and Spanish.

The languages situation in education soon became apparent. Hebrew is the first language, English being taught as the official second language; French and Arabic then follow in an ambiguous context between being official and optional; German and Spanish are also taught in some schools. The choice, beyond English, usually lies with the school administration.

All sessions had simultaneous interpreting between French and Hebrew, reflecting the bilingual program. The formal opening included Prof. Marcello Dascal, Dean of the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences of the University of Tel-Aviv, the French Ambassador, M Jean-Noël de Bouillane de Lacoste and the Conseiller culturel of the Embassy of France, M Alexandre Defay.

Claude Hagège, renowned linguist from the Collège de France-Paris, addressed the topic of "Israel and Multilingual Vocation" - first in Hebrew before switching to French. In a provocative ending, he saw English as a threat to Hebrew in Israel.

Judith Kaufman presented a paper on "Multilingualism, plurilingualism and language teaching in Israel". This was done on behalf of Bernard Spolsky and Elana Shohamy, absent from the colloquium, as they were with David Ingram at the National Foreign Language Center in Washington. Their work was compulsory reading as preparation for the colloquium.

Participants next met the language inspectors of the Ministry of Education. Shlomo Alon (Arabic), Claudie Harari (French) and Judith Steiner (English) provided an overview of activities and challenges relevant to each.

On the Monday afternoon, Judith Steiner presented an interesting project, ''Bridges', before Denis Cunningham (President of FIPLV) provided an introduction of FIPLV aims and activities, proposing unity among language teachers across all languages, facilitated by the formation of a national multilingual association. The notion received wide support, followed up in discussion with inspectors and teachers. Yaël Klein of the University of Bar-Ilan outlined a project using video-conferencing and the Internet in the context of training new teachers of French in the Information Age.

During the next session led by Denis Cunningham a brief overview of language policies world-wide was provided. The closing roundtable session was devoted to representatives of national unilingual associations - or specific languages in the absence of an association - for Arabic, English, French, German, Russian and Spanish.

Tuesday's program began with Jean-Claude Chevalier, world renowned expert in the languages field. His historical overview of "Language Learning in France" was most informative, as he addressed the elements of teaching one's home language, French as a 'foreign' language and other languages. Suzanne Fiegenbaum then provided an overview of French teaching in Israel, followed by Marc Tsirlin's complementary presentation. Henri Diament looked at the image of France in Israel, while Ofra Inbar analysed the implementation of the new language policy in the Tel-Aviv area.

The afternoon's sessions addressed the key concern of continuity between the secondary and tertiary sectors. This session and the one that followed - a roundtable represented by key stakeholders in the teaching of French (i.e. parents, the secondary and tertiary sectors, an inspector for French) - revealed more tensions and challenges than it resolved : large class sizes (e.g. 40) for French; very different didactic approaches between secondary and tertiary teaching, aggravated by military service for two (i.e. females) or three (i.e. males) years in between; and the marginalisation of French (and other languages, with the exception of Hebrew and English) within the curriculum in a considerable number of schools.

While more time could have been devoted to these issues if the final sessions were held earlier in the colloquium, critical outcomes were achieved in an imminent meeting of secondary inspectors with tertiary representatives. The groundswell of support for unity across languages, initially through the desirable formation of a national multilingual association, also augurs well for a united front on behalf of languages.

A valuable component of conferences is the potential for informal follow-up on issues raised at the activity. Encounters of note for the FIPLV President included lunch discussions with the language inspectors to pursue the notion of unity across languages, through increased collaboration by inspectors, sharing expertise and visiting speakers, Linguapax or through facilitating a national multilingual association. The concept of a multilingual school based on the Victorian School of Languages (in Australia) also generated considerable interest. Several discussions also took place with the President of the French teachers' association in Israel and representatives, all of whom were very interested in working together towards a national multilingual association.

The wealth of the program allowed little time for socio-cultural visits. Dominique Suquet is to be congratulated for the organisation of this excellent colloquium and FIPLV expresses its gratitude to him and others who assisted with the organisation and in facilitating contact between FIPLV and language teachers in Israel.

[Editor’s note: based on the report provided by Denis Cunningham, President of FIPLV, who participated in the Colloquium]

NZALT National Biennial Conference
Dunedin - New Zealand
July 5 - 8 1998

The Conference was held at Otago Girls' High School, hosted by NZALT Treasurer, Jan Robertson. It attracted over 200 participants.

The Monday morning (July 6) saw the continuation of language-specific programs.

The Conference proper opened with a Maori greeting preceding Denis Cunningham’s (FIPLV) plenary address on "FIPLV and the Promotion of Languages Worldwide". AGMs for the specific language groups followed

Tuesday's program (July 7) began with Jillian Taylor's excellent presentation on the "Use of Multimedia in the Foreign Language Classroom : Implementation and Selection Criteria", followed by a presentation on Linguapax (Denis Cunningham). Other concurrent workshops centred on : Language Lab programs (Jan Robertson), Langsem (Jim Madden) and Satellite TV (John Lynam). The NZALT AGM followed morning tea, seeing the transition of the presidency from Gail Spence to Simon Curnow.

Susan Zammit - "What's Fair in Classroom Tests?" - followed lunch after which the second workshop on Linguapax was given by Denis Cunningham. John Jamieson addressed "False Friends and the True - Some Barriers Faced by the Translator".

The Wednesday (July 8) program began with Denis Cunningham’s plenary address on "Technology and Open Learning - Past, Present and Future" followed by Jan Robertson's session on "Language Laboratory Programs". The final plenary was given by Mary Chamberlain from the Ministry of Education.

The program was supplemented by socio-cultural activities. It included a French dinner on the Sunday which was followed by an informal dinner at the Etrusco, the next evening, organised by Simon Curnow, President-elect of NZALT. The Conference dinner was held at Glenfalloch on the Tuesday (July 7). Reflecting the Scottish influence in Dunedin, the haggis was piped in, guarded by the kilt-adorned President of NZALT, Simon Curnow. A marvellous and fruitful evening was enjoyed by all, before some returned to the residence of Jan and Ian Robertson for some post-prandial networking, conviviality and dancing.

The NZALT Colloquium enabled FIPLV President to strengthen relationships with NZALT. A long discussion with Gail Spence, NZALT President on July 6, included many important topics: FIPLV-NZALT relations, language teaching internationally, English as an international lingua franca, other associations in Southeast Asia, an FIPLV Region for the area, primary to secondary transition policy, the critical age theory and the potential of a model based on the Victorian School of Languages for New Zealand. A meeting with Catherine Hannagan, National French Adviser, had the purpose of expanding her networks and sources in Australia. The Conference dinner facilitated a meeting with Mary Chamberlain of the New Zealand Ministry of Education. While the music prevailed inside, they met in the Dunedin drizzle to discuss policy, trends in language teaching and ways in which developments in Victoria (Australia) could assist languages in New Zealand. More informal, intermittent meetings with new NZALT President, Simon Curnow, consolidated the relationship between FIPLV and NZALT, while reinforcing trans-Tasman exchange and collaboration in the future. There were formal and informal meetings with other teachers, in particular, Congress organisers Barbara Dineen and Ashley Day, Suzanne de Salis (of Hobart), Jillian Taylor (of Intext in Melbourne) and Jim Madden (Convenor of the 1983 NZALT Conference).

The 1998 Biennial NZALT Conference was highly successful, thanks to the superlative efforts of the organisers (Barbara Dineen, Ashley Day and others), the excellence and warmth of the NZALT Presidents (Gail Spence, followed by Simon Curnow) and the Executive members, and the interaction of the participants. The collaboration and friendship engendered or reinforced in Dunedin augurs well for future, fruitful relations between FIPLV and NZALT, and between NZALT and AFMLTA (Australia).

[Editor’s note: based on the report of Denis Cunningham (President: FIPLV), who participated in the Colloquium]

RELC Seminar
19-21 April 1999

The Regional Language Centre (RELC), an educational project of the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organisation (SEAMEO) announces an annual seminar. The proposed topic is, Language in the Global Context:Implications for the Language Classroom.

The Seminar will have the following aims:

  1. To examine the role of languages in the process of globalisation;
  2. To determine the effects that this role has on the language classroom.
Papers and workshops should relate to the following broad areas within the seminar theme: A 150-250 word abstract with a title not exceeding 12 words and a 50-word biodata should be sent to the address on the back cover no later than 14 November 1998. Abstracts outside the limit will not be accepted. The Seminar Committee will inform proposers by 31 January 1999 whether their proposals have been accepted.

All communications regarding the seminar should be addressed to: SEMINAR SECRETARIAT, SEAMEO Regional Language Centre, 30 Orange Grove Road, SINGAPORE 258352, REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE, tel: (65) 737 9044, fax: (65) 734 2753, email:

International and Intercultural Communication Annual
Call for papers

The International and Intercultural Communication Annual is a yearly publication sponsored by the National Communication Association in the United States, published by Sage Publications. Next three volumes will feature outstanding scholarship in a thematic area and include diverse disciplinary approaches, theories, and methodological orientations. Manuscripts focusing on cultural communication, cross-cultural comparisons, intercultural interactions between representatives of different nations, ethnicities, classes, and genders, in addition to intergroup communication, negotiation, international media, technology and development processes, are welcome.

Selection criteria will include clear conceptualization of intercultural and international communication, inclusion of a wide range of strong theories and approaches in mass communication, media studies, cultural, interpersonal, group, organizational communication and rhetoric; and incorporation of timely social issues and communication processes occurring in international and intercultural settings in a variety of countries. Scholars from outside of the United States are particularly encouraged to submit their work.

Each volume will have its own theme: vol. 23 - Constituting Cultural Difference Through Discourse; vol. 24 - Internalization, Culture and Communication; and vol. 25 - Building Intercultural Alliances. Tentative deadlines for submitting are May 1st of each year, 1998-2000.

For more detailed information contact the editor: Mary Jane Collier, Dpt. of Human Communication Studies, School of Communication, University of Denver, 2142 S. High Street, Denver, Colorado 80208 USA; Tel: (303) 871-4492, Fax: (303) 871-4316, Email:


Books and Journals
Publications received:

Language World. Association for Language Learning (ALL), March 1998

Neusprachliche Mitteilungen aus Wissenschaft und Praxis, Herausgegeben vom Fachverband Moderne Fremdsprachen (FMF), Heft 2, 2. Quartal, Heft 3, 3 Quartal 1998.

IATEFL Newsletter. No. 143, April-May 1998.

IATEFL Issues. No. 144. August-September 1998.

Boletín de la asociación para la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera (ASELE), Núm. 18- Mayo, 1998.

FBPF. Federação Brasileira dos Professores de Francês. Informativo Bimestral Nos 21, junho1998.

Tempus, Newsletter of the Federation of Foreign Language Teachers in Finland SUKOL, No. 4 & 5, 1998.

TESOL Greece. No. 58, April-June 1998.

Neofilolog. Czasopismo Polskiego Towarzystwa Neofilologicznego. No. 16, 1998.

English Teaching Forum. A journal for the teacher of English outside the United States. Vol. 36 No. 2, April-June1998.

The News. TESOL-France, No.19 May 1998.

NZALT Members’ Newsletter. New Zealand Association of Language Teachers. No.14, April, 1998

EUROCONTACT 5, Bulletin de la Région Europe de l’Ouest de la FIPLV, April 1998.

Les langues modernes la nouvelle. L’ association des professeurs de langues vivantes (a.p.l.v.), nu. 2, mai-juin-juillet, 1998, Le polyglotte nu. 33 - mai. 1998 Supplement au Les langues modernes la nouvelle.

Boletim. Boletim Informativo da Sociedade Internacional de Portuges - Lîngua Estrangeira, V.4, No 12, Abril 1998.

Fachverband Moderne Fremdsprachen. Landesverband Schleswig-Holstein, Mitteilungblatt August 1998.

Designing Newsletters. J. Aldridge for IATEFL 1998.

Tesol publications. TESOL’s publications catalogue.

Modern Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment. A Common European Framework of references. Draft 2 of a Framework proposals. Council of Europe. Strasbourg 1998.

Global Issues in Language Education Newsletter. National Special Interest Group of the Japan Association of Language Teachers (JALT), Issue 31, June 1998.

First Call for Papers
XXth FIPLV Congress
Université René Descartes, Paris
22-26 July 2000
Language Teaching at the Dawn of the 21st Century:
The Challenges of Plurality

Cultural Diversity of Learners

Social Implications

Fulfilment of the Individual and Personal Enrichment

Educational Language Policies

The Curriculum

Languages for Specialists of other Disciplines

New Technologies



Classroom Techniques

Teacher Education

Call for Papers

Presentation proposals, under the title of ‘Call for Papers’, are to be sent by email or post to the Congress Organising Committee (refer to contact details above) BEFORE 1 JUNE 1999. Proposals must include the suggested title, the language to be used, the preferred length and an abstract of about one page. The Scientific Council will respond to these proposals by 30 September 1999. The accepted papers will be allocated among plenary sessions (of 50 minutes), sections (around 20 minutes, or 5-10 minutes for round-table presentations), or forum sessions (of the same length as the sections). Each section will be devoted to a particular issue reflecting a theme (or several themes) of the Congress. The forums will be reserved for issues of association policy, or for reporting on activities undertaken by associations of FIPLV Regions. Contributions could also be made in the form of poster sessions. There is no restriction on the choice of language for Congress presentations.


Practical Information

The Congress will take place at the Université R Descartes, from the afternoon of Saturday 22 until midday Wednesday 26 July.

A joint undertaking with the Fédération Internationale des Professeurs de Français will take place at the Sorbonne. Paris will be host to numerous events to celebrate the Year 2000, offering participants the opportunity for sightseeing as well as a rich cultural program. Lunch will be available on site or nearby for a modest sum (about FFr 50). A wide range of accommodation will be available from FFr 100 (in university halls of residence) to FFr 600 (in three-star hotels). Where possible, arrangements will be made for those persons accompanying participants. Agreements with carriers are being negotiated to obtain reduced rates.
Registration fee
Member of an FIPLV member association
till 1st Nov. 1999 FFr 400 (around 61 Euros or US$ 70) FFr 600 (around 92 Euros or US$ 105)
after 1st Nov. 1999 to 30th April 2000 FFr 650 (around 100 Euros or US$ 115) FFr 900 (around 138 Euros or US$ 160)

Information about the Congress will be available in all of the languages of the international unilingual associations which are members of FIPLV (i.e. English, French, German, Hungarian, Portuguese and Spanish). Translation into other languages is welcome.

If you would like to receive a registration form, please complete and send the following slip to the address below:


Member Association:________________________________________________________





Fédération Internationale des Professeurs de Langues Vivantes (FIPLV)

Organisation of the XXth Congress:

Université René Descartes Paris V - CTL-FIPLV 2000 45 rue des Saints Pères 75006 Paris

Notes for Contributors

Contributions, announcements and letters should be sent to the Editor’s address. Advertisements should be sent to Dieter Harold (see back cover). Short contributions (up to 250 words), such as letters and announcements, can be type-written. Longer contributions should be accompanied by a PC-readable disc, with the article both in the original WP format (e.g. WordPerfect, AmiPro, Word for Windows) and in ASCII form (i.e. a .TXT file). Please provide a brief bio-statement with the office address. Contributions and discs are non-returnable. The Editor reserves the right to make editorial changes in any manuscript. The author will be consulted if substantial changes are envisaged.

The Latest on Language and Languages

A news service provided and edited by the Fédération Internationale des Professeurs de Langues Vivantes (FIPLV).

The FIPLV Head Office is located at Seestrasse 247, CH-8038 Zürich, Switzerland.

FIPLV President: Denis Cunningham. PO Box 216, Belgrave, 3160, Australia. Telephone: Int. Code + 61 39 754 47 14. Fax: Int. Code: +61 39 754 64 19

FIPLV Vice-President: Tuula Penttilä, Viherlaaksonie 24, SF-02710 Espoo, Finland. Telephone: Int. Code: +358 059 45 07. Fax: Int. Code: + 358 0 5023 460.

FIPLV Secretary-General: Judith Hamilton, Flat 64, 3 Whitehall Court, London SW1A 2EL, Phone/fax 0171 839 5530; email

FIPLV Editor: Teresa Siek-Piskozub. Editorial Office: School of English, Adam Mickiewicz University, al. Niepodleg³oœci 4, PL-61-874 Poznañ, Poland. Telephone: Int. Code + 48 61 852 88 20. Fax: Int. Code+ 48 61 852 31 03. E-mail:

FIPLV Treasurer: Dieter Herold, Kulenkampstrasse 15 H, D-23566 Lübeck, Germany. Telephone: International Code+ 49 451 3 27 91. Fax: International Code + 49 451 3 55 43.

Subscription at the price of CHF 45 a year available from Dieter Herold.

Advertisements inside the issue - CHF 100 full page, back cover - CHF 150. Orders sent to Dieter Herold.

Any item may be quoted, reproduced or translated provided acknowledgement is given to FIPLV WORLD NEWS.