WORLD NEWS: No. 47 Dec 1999 – Jan 2000
European Year of Languages 2001 by Dieter Herold
Season Greetings!!!!!!
In this issue Dieter Herold reports on the European project to designate 2001 as the European Year of Languages. Denis Cunningham informs about FIPLV priorities.(Note from the President). An update on FIPLV actions and our reaction to the European proposal are announced in FIPLV News. Our Congress Calendar informs about conferences and congresses planned between the years 2000 - 2001. The Member Associations, as well as the institutions co-operating with us, discuss about their recent and future activities (News and Views). In Forum on Controversial Issues, Francisco Gomes de Matos proposes yet another checklist of learner’s rights and we publish the first reaction to our learner autonomy project. A growing list of journals issued by and for language teachers, sent to the Editor’s address, is published in Books and Journals: Publications Received. The preliminary programme of FIPLV 2000 is published at the end of the issue. The final programme will be ready in April.
Teresa Siek-Piskozub
Editor of Publications-FIPLV
Contributions, announcements and letters should be sent to the Editor’s address, by post or e-mail. Advertisements should be sent to Dieter Harold (see back cover). Short contributions (up to 250 words), such as letters and announcements, can be type-written. Longer contributions should be accompanied by a PC-readable disc, with the article both in the original WP format (e.g. WordPerfect, AmiPro, Word for Windows) and in ASCII form (i.e. a .TXT file). Please provide a brief bio-statement with the office address. Contributions and discs are non-returnable. The Editor reserves the right to make editorial changes in any manuscript. The author will be consulted if substantial changes are envisaged.
Eurpean Year of Languages 2001
The "Committee of Ministers" of the Council of Europe decided in January 1999 to designate 2001 as the „European Year of Languages" (EYL). In July 1999 a preliminary meeting was held in Strasbourg to which the Modern Languages Section of the Directorate of Education, Culture and Sport - in co-operation with the European Commission - had invited „key partners", among them FIPLV. A Guide - Draft 1, prepared by Ulrich BUNJES (Consultant) and the Secretariat provided an excellent starting point for the discussions and proposals. The Guide clearly defines „Aims, objectives and expected results". Three major aims are mentioned:
The EYL 2001 „is an open invitation from the Council of Europe to highlight the linguistic diversity of the continent, and to promote language learning in all its forms. The invitation is addressed to all potential partners who are ready to commit themselves to the aims of the EYL in accordance with their own means, timetables, subject priorities and working methods.
The EYL will thus become "a network initiative" (p. 11), including:
In November 1999 a European Steering Group (ESG) met for their first time, to encourage, among other things, National Committees, media and public relation activities who in turn are expected to encourage local committees and partners from all possible areas.
Report prepared by Herold Dieter, the FIPLV representative for the Strasbourg meeting. FIPLV’s position on the issue is discussed in ‘FIPLV News’ inside this volume.
FIPLV and the current treinnium – underway in the third millennium
Once again, I will take the opportunity of using this "Note of the President" to provide an update on progress in the context of the FIPLV Strategic Plan of the current triennium.
Existing Priorities
The priorities of FIPLV continue to remain relatively unchanged, so we draw again upon the content of the FIPLV Profile:
The existing FIPLV Regions of Western Europe and the Nordic-Baltic area continue excellent work, while we are delighted to welcome Dr Marie Fenclova of the Czech Republic as the new representative of the Central European Region, following the untimely and sad death of Dr Iva Pychova. Action on the formation of an FIPLV Region for Latin America has stalled, as we seek another member willing to recognise the task as a priority. Angela Scarino, President of AFMLTA (Australia) met with Simon Curnow, President of NZALT (New Zealand), at the national Conference in Adelaide in July. Other officers of both associations also attended this meeting. Angela hopes to advance work on forming this FIPLV Region for Southeast Asia and the Southwest Pacific, as she and representatives of other member associations will attend FIPLV 2000 in July.
Linguapax/ Language Rights/ Tolerance
The President of the International Linguapax Committee (ILC) invited the FIPLV President to be a member of this significant committee but, more recently, it has been learned that the ILC has been discontinued. This, however, has not prevented members of the FIPLV Executive presenting papers on Linguapax in Adelaide (Australia), Poznan (Poland) and Moscow (Russia). When in New York, Tuula Penttilä also provided input to the Report on Peace Education in UNICEF. FIPLV has had no recent activity in the contexts of Language Rights or Tolerance, although they remain significant areas of consideration.
Member associations in Scandinavia continue to assist associations on the south Baltic coast, while we explore further ways in which to aid countries like Burundi.
Collaboration of Teachers of Languages
Significant events bringing together teachers of different languages in which FIPLV officers participated, took place in Sofia (Bulgaria), Prague (The Czech Republic), Vilnius (Lithuania) and Moscow (Russia), in addition to conferences of member associations. Further meetings are to take place in January in Bratislava (The Slovak Republic) and Budapest (Hungary).
Promotion of All Languages Internationally
The promotion of all languages took place at conferences listed above and below, in other meetings and events, and on all occasions where FIPLV officers were able to pursue this priority.
This is the third issue of FIPLV World News for 1999 and, in the last twelve months, other articles and reports have also appeared in Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and in FIPLV World News, with others to appear.
Advocacy and Representation
Regional Coverage
Tuula Penttilä, Teresa Siek-Piskozub and Dieter Herold have continued their ongoing contact with member associations of the relevant Regions, while I have had frequent communication with colleagues in Latin America and attended the national Conference of AFMLTA (Australia), which is undertaking action on the formation of an FIPLV Region for Southeast Asia & the Southwest Pacific
Dieter Herold is the FIPLV representative for meetings of the Council of Europe's Project on the European Year of Languages - 2001, and has been invited to be a member of the Scientific Council of this project. I have also been invited to be a member of the Scientific Committee of the UNESCO Project on the Languages of the World. During the year, we have also represented FIPLV at conferences, events and meetings in New York (USA), Paris and Strasbourg (France), Sofia (Bulgaria), Adelaide (Australia), Prague (The Czech Republic), Poznan (Poland), Vilnius (Lithuania) and Moscow (Russia).
FIPLV Website
Under the direction of Tuula Penttilä, our webmaster - Terry Atkinson of the UK - has done a marvellous job of revising the FIPLV Website and maintaining its currency. Moving away from the former decision to have a bilingual site, the intention is to include the range of languages represented by FIPLV member associations, while rendering the site more effective as a link between FIPLV and its member associations. To further this objective, all member associations have been asked to provide FIPLV with their URL's.
The Role of Associations in the Professional Development of Teachers
Survey responses have started to arrive in French, so there will be a further delay on action on this project.
Policies on the Teaching of Languages
Once FIPLV 2000 is over, Michel Candelier is to begin the synthesis of Policies on the Teaching of Languages to establish an overview of world-wide trends.
Technology in Language Teaching and Learning
The FIPLV Project on Technology in Language Teaching and Learning is to take the form of a forum at FIPLV 2000, under the coordination of Tuula Penttilä. Jean-Yves Petit-Girard, President of the FIPLV Region for Western Europe, will also be involved, as will I.
Towards the Electronic Transfer of Data and Communication
We now have email addresses for most member associations, so continue to use email as the primary means of communication - except where members do not have access to email. While a few teething problems continue, especially with attachments, the attached content is also included within the text of the email.
The Future of the Profession
The average age of teachers - and not only language teachers - in several countries gives cause for some alarm. A project is envisaged to look at the global scene before identifying strategies to rejuvenate not only the arena of language teaching, but also the associations which support it.
Future Activities
Improved Relations with UNESCO
FIPLV continues to enjoy "operational relations" status with UNESCO, while pursuing "formal relations". Meetings with various key personnel of UNESCO during my visits - and those of Judith Hamilton - to UNESCO Headquarters continue, while annual reports to UNESCO are now being submitted. Ongoing work and representation on behalf of UNESCO priorities and projects are covered elsewhere.
Improved Relations with Member Associations
In the quest to retain and build upon good relations with current national multilingual and international unilingual member associations, FIPLV officers have participated in conferences and activities of AFMLTA (Australia), FMF (Germany), KMF (The Czech Republic), PTN (Poland), SUKOL (Finland), TESOL '99 (New York, USA). Representation is planned for conferences in 2000 of NZALT (New Zealand), SAALT (South Africa), STIL (Iceland) and TESOL 2000 (Vancouver, Canada), while meetings with officers of other member associations are anticipated in 2000.
Membership Drive
The key objective of encouraging membership of more national multilingual associations continues to be a priority. In the last year, CASLT (Canada) and MLTA (Ireland) have renewed their membership, while some uncertainties have been clarified with ANILS (Italy). We are happy to welcome Sproglaererforeeningen (Denmark), which has joined, while ASEC (Bulgaria) and SAALT (South Africa) have their requests for membership up for postal vote by the FIPLV World Council. A national multilingual association has also just formed in Russia, and they have also requested to become members of FIPLV. Discussions have been held with colleagues from Belarus, China, Japan, Lithuania, Malta, Tunisia and the Ukraine, with a meeting scheduled in Bratislava (The Slovak Republic) in January.
Improved Relations with other International Associations
Relations and the exchange of materials are underway with other international associations, such as AILA, FIT and UEA. While Tuula Penttilä is in constant communication with the Secretary of MAPRYAL, I met with the President, Prof Vitaly Kostomarov, while in Moscow. They are also considering joining FIPLV.
Expansion in New Areas
Discussions continue with colleagues and associations in Africa, Latin America, the USA and the Southeast Asia and Southwest Pacific area, to establish relations and further members.
FIPLV World Congresses
The provisional program of the XXth FIPLV World Congress has been distributed in French, while I will finalise the English translation before distribution. The venue of the next for the Year 2003 is likely to be confirmed for The Hague in the Netherlands.
Communication and Cooperation
We thank you for your support, input and collaboration in 1999 and take this opportunity to wish you every success and happiness in the New Year (and the new millennium).
Denis Cunningham, President - FIPLV
email :
PRAGUE meetings
The executive held two meetings in Prague on 18th and 19th September. Denis Cunningham, our President, chaired a meeting which brought together representatives of KMF - our member association in the Czech Republic - the members of the FIPLV Executive and teachers of English, French and Spanish from Prague and regional centres. KMF representatives included Josef Hendrich, Marie Fenclova and Mary Hawker, who hosted the gathering. The purpose of the meeting was to bring together language teachers of the secondary sector and members of KMF, with the intention of KMF's expanding its profile to embrace more teachers of the secondary sector. An excellent collaborative dinner of several present allowed for continuing discussion.
The executives had they statutory meeting to discuss various present and future actions in which FIPLV is or plans to be involved.
Judith Hamilton
Secretary- General
The ideas and ideals are obviously shared in general. The necessary (financial) means, however, are sometimes insufficient.
and would like to see these possibilities advertised widely to the general public.
Teachers of the first or second language, therefore, must be more strongly aware of their responsibility towards a general language learning capacity. We believe that transferability of language skills should be a central feature of all language learning so that learners can be led to see how to maximise their own potential for communication.
We believe that a EYL 2001 will and should contribute to a higher awareness of the necessity and the inherent value of learning languages. Certainly this awareness should increase in 2001 and beyond it.
We would surely be prepared to join in the work for a EYL 2001.
Dieter Herold
FIPLV Treasurer
February Deutsch-Französicher Kongreß. Venue: Gießen, Germany. Information: ADEAF, 18 rue du Champ de Cheval, F-70 000 Frotey les vesoul, France.
11-14 March AAAL Conference. Venue: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Information: Richard Young, Department of English, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Email:
14-18 March TESOL 2000. Theme: Navigating the New Millennium. Venue: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Information: TESOL 2000, Conventions Department, 1600 Cameron Street, Suite 300, Alexandria, VA 22314-2751 USA.
27-31 March 34th International IATEFL Annual Conference. Venue: Dublin. Information: IATEFL Head Office, 3 Kingsdown Chambers, Whitestable, CT5 2FL, UK; Tel: +44 (0) 1227 276528; Email
7-8 April Joint TESOL/IATEFL . Theme: 1st International Conference on Teaching of English to Young Learners. Venue: University of Viterbo, Rome, Italy. Information: TESOL-Italy, Via Boncormpagni, 2 00187, Roma. Fax: + 39 (0) 64674 2478. Email:
17-19 April 35th RELC International Seminar. Theme: Language Curriculum & Instruction in Multicultural Societies. Venue: Singapore. Information: RELC, Library and Information Centre, 30 Orange Grove Rd., Singapore 258352, Republic of Singapore; Tel. + (65) 7379044; Fax: + (65) 7342753; E-mail: RELCADM@SINGNET.COM.SG
17-22 April Coloquio Internacional AEPE. Venue: State University of Colorado. Information: State University of Colorado, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA.
27-29 April FMF-Bundeskongress. Venue: Berlin. Information: StD Helmut P. Hagge M.A., Lichtensteinweg 23, 22301 Hamburg. Germany Tel.: 0 40/5 36 01 38. Fax: 040/6 00 36 81.
12-13 May 6th International IATEFL Chile Conference. Theme: The way forward for English Language Teaching. Venue: Santiago, the Diego Portales Convention Centre. Information: Maria Bizma, Email :
12-13 May IATEFL TEA and Computer SIG and Amsterdam University joint event. Theme: Computers in Language Testing. Venue: Amsterdam University, Netherlands. Information: Gert Rijlaarsdam. Email:
13-14 May IATEFL East. Venue: Bulgaria. Information: IATEFL Head Office, 3 Kingsdown Chambers, Whitestable, CT5 2FL, UK; Tel: +44 (0) 1227 276528; E-mail
28 May –3 June Conseil International d’Etudes Francophones (CIEF). Venue: Sousse, Tunisie. Information: Prof. Eloise Biere, Présidente CIEF, LLC/HU 237. Suny Albany, NY 12222; Phone: 518-442-4103;
21-25 June FIPLV - Nordic-Baltic Region Conference. Theme: Multilingualism is magic. Venue: Reykjavik. Information: Jórunn Tómasdóttir, Email:
26-29 June ALA 2000. Theme: The role of Language Awareness and Knowledge about Language in the teaching and learning of mother tongue and second languages. Venue: Leicester, UK. Information: Richard Aplin, University of Leicester School of Education, 21 University Road, Leicester LE1 7RF, UK. Fax: +44 (0) 116 252 3653, Email:
28-30 June SAALT
Afrikaanse inligting
is te vinde by
Theme: Challenges for language teaching in the new millennium. Venue:
Potchefstroom, South Africa. Information: Dr Bertus van Rooy, School of
Languages and Arts, Potchefstroom University for CHE. Potchefstroom 2520,
South Africa, Fax: 018-299-562,
30 June - 4 July 7th International Conference on Language and Social Psychology. Venue: Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales, UK. Information: Fax: ICLASP (+44) 1222 874242; Email:
2-5 July NZALT’s Biennial Conference. Theme: New Millennium – New Beginnings. Venue: Rotorua, New Zealand. Information: Laytee George, 178 Otonga Rd., Rotorua, New Zealand; Fax: +64 7 346 8701; Email:
7-9 July Applied Linguistics Association of Australia Annual Congress.Theme: Interaction and Identity. Venue: The University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Information: Dr Edward Nicholas, Institute of Education, La Trobe University, Bundoora Victoria 3083, Australia. Fax: + (61 3) 9479 3070. Email:
11-12 July ETAI National Summer Conference. Venue: Jerusalem. Information: Nava Horovitz, Email:
17-22 July Xe Congrès mondial de la FIPF. Venue: La Sorbonne, Paris. Information: Secrétariat Général de la FIPF, 1, Av. Léon Journault, F-923311 Sèvres Cedex.
22-26 July 20th Congress of FIPLV. Venue: Paris. Information: Michel Candelier, phone/fax: + 33 1 40 18 39 51; Email:
24-29 July Congreso Internacional AEPE. Venue: Almeria. Information: Rector of the University, Almeria, Spain.
28-30 August APETAU 1st International Conference.Theme: Roles of Departments of English and Translation at Arab Universities in the New Millennium. Venue: Amman, Jordan. Information: Lewis Mukattash, APETAU, University of Jordan, PO Box 13315, Amaman, Jordan. Fax: 962-6-533176.
4-9 September 4th International Symposium on the Acquisition of Second-Language Speech.Venue: Amsterdam. Information: Jonathan Leather, New Sounds 2000, University of Amsterdam, Spuistraat 210, 1012 VT Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
7-10 September EUROSLA 10. Venue: Kraków, Poland. Information: Anna Niżegorodcew, Jagielonian University, The Centre for Scientific Research and Academic Conference ‘EUROSLA 10’, Collegium Novum, ul. Gołębia 24, 31-007 Kraków, Poland; tel/fax: +48 12 421 26 62; Email:
20-22 November 1er Congrès National de l’AMPF. Theme: Diffusion et enseignement du français en Malaisie. Venue: Université Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. Information: Dr CHOI Kim Yok, Faculty of Languages and Linguistics, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur. Fax: 603-7579707. Email:
24-27 February AAAL Conference. Venue: St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A. Information: Richard Young, Department of English, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Email:
7-9 July AFMLTA National Conference. Theme: Languages Our Common Wealth. Venue: Canberra Convention Centre, Australia. Information: MLTA of ACT Inc, PO Box 989 Canberra City 2601 ACT; e-mail:; Fax: (02) 6205 6969
30 July - 4 August XII. Internationale Tagung der Deutschlehrerinnen und Deutschlehrer (IDT). Thema: Mehr Sprache - mehrsprachig - mit Deutsch. Didaktische und politische Perspektiven. Venue: Luzern, Schweiz. Information: IVLOS Institut für Unterrichtswissenschaft - IDV, Heidelberglaan 8, NL-3584 TC Utrecht, Niederlande.
Learner’s vocabulary rights: a checklist
by Francisco Gomes de Matos
Vocabulary : value-laden, valued, varied, variable, vast, versatile, ...vital !
Although the word "Vocabulary" seems to have entered Written English between 1525 – 1535 (cf. Random House Webster's College Dictionary, 1997, p. 1437), the climbing of that "Everest of a language" (as David Crystal so very perceptively put it in his The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language, 1995, p. 117) is a fascinating aspect of the 25-century-old History of Language Learning. Given its longevity, Vocabulary has remained an ever-challenging aspect of Language Teaching, particularly so of ELT, a professional domain in which substantial financial investment has been made on lexical studies. Despite praiseworthy, creative efforts by teachers/researchers in English to Speakers of Other Languages, the truth of the matter is that we have not been doing as effective a job as Vocabulary systematizers as could be expected.
As Crystal cogently sees it :"The thing that worries me most about vocabulary is the way that it has received so little investigation, either in semantic or developmental terms, so that pedagogical principles for grading it are conspicuous by their absence. Typically learners are dropped into a bath of vocabulary, and expected to pick it up. For example, at the end of a chapter in one coursebook I just looked at there were about 20 items of vocabulary to be learned, including such diverse items as orange, handkerchief, grass, tractor, and upset. No effort was being made to group the items in a sensible semantic way, or to introduce vocabulary systematically. So, learners surely have a right to expect that this massive area of language should be presented to them in a reasonably systematic way? I can't think of anything more basic than that. (Personal communication, September 30, 1999).
After having asked that distinguished British linguist-encyclopedist what would be the most fundamental vocabulary rights of language learners, I decided to formulate a Checklist which could be suggestive and/or inspiring to colleagues (teacher-educators, teachers, applied linguists, materials writers) interested in exploring an untrodden territory: learners' vocabulary rights/responsibilities.
Limitations of space will preclude me to focus on the equally relevant/revealing semantic rights and responsibilities of teachers and materials writers, but a plea is made for such equally indispensable work to be carried out realistically by groups, so that the issue(s) of perception/formulation/ implementation of vocabulary rights will reflect collective rather than individual thinking/decision-making. An additional strategy which has been proven productive in my Seminars on Learners 'Pronunciation and Grammatical Rights could be tried out in connection with Vocabulary Rights, namely, that of using current works on Methodology, Applied Linguistics, English Grammar, etc. as sources for such rights. It is sometimes the case that statements made by authors of such books can be "translated" into Learners/Teachers Rights Discourse. Two examples: Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition, edited by James Coady and Thomas Huckin, Cambridge University Press, 1997. Its chapter 12, Teaching Vocabulary (by Paul Nation and Jonathan Newton) is a mine for learners' rights-minded TESOLers. Another potentially inspiring source is Ronald Carter's Vocabulary.Applied Linguistic Perspectives. Second edition. Routledge, 1998 (cf. Chapter 7, Learning and teaching vocabulary).
For a very recent, corpus-based source of inspiration to vocabulary teaching, see Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English (Pearson Education Limited, 2000). Its Chapter 13, Lexical Expressions in Speech and Writing features both findings and insights of applicational value, especially those focusing on Lexical bundles (Expressions with "I know", "I think", "I like", "I want", "I mean" ,etc).
Learners' vocabulary rights: an open list
Do I assure my students of their semantic right to learn to use lexical items:
This area of investigation / classroom teaching is in need of systematic probing, if we are to help our learners use English not only clearly, coherently, cohesively, correctly, creatively but also constructively, as advocated in some of this author's writings (cf. Gomes deMatos, Using English for communicative peace, Braz-Tesol Newsletter, September 1991:2). One of such communicative-peace-enhancing rights of students would be "the right to learn how to translate (potentially) aggressive / violent vocabulary into positively used language.
TESOLers are urged to expand and refine such listing, so that the teaching of vocabulary can sustain "its rightful place as a fundamentally important aspect " of ELT, as so very cogently expressed by our TESOL President, David Nunan in his illuminating and well-organized Second Language Teaching and Learning (Heinle & Heinle, 1999:103).
In short, once a Checklist of Learners 'Vocabulary Rights / Responsibilities has been collectively designed (by teachers from the same school or from the same TESOL local affiliate, etc), how would the items on such listing be prioritized, to what extent, why? May this be a plea for [...] action in an area which can be made even more vivacious: vocabulary learning and teaching.
Editor's Note: The article has been reprinted from BRAZOL-TESOL NEWSLETTER, December ’99. Dr. Gomes de Matos teaches at the Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil. He is involved in the promotion of language learners’ and teachers’ rights and has contributed to the formulation of many of them (see for example FIPLV World News Nos. 36, 40, 45, 46) . His e-mail is
Autonomy of the language learner in the foreign language classroom: a myth or reality ?
FIPLV is interested in collecting views from its member associations, and is particularly interested in individual reports of first-hand accounts of introducing autonomy into school language learning. We hope to publish findings in the coming year, so please let us have your reactions to this important inquiry. In the previous edition of World News we addressed our readers with a couple of questions. Judith Hamilton is the first to react with some remarks concerning the term autonomy.
‘Learner autonomy’ is a term which itself has different interpretations. At one extreme, one has to ask if there is in fact any other kind of learning. Another viewpoint sees it as fundamentally dishonest - offering ‘supposed’ choices of activity within a limited range prescribed by the teacher. Others see it as the epitome of the democratic classroom where learners come to take responsibility for the management of their own learning - which is after all what adult learners do. So what exactly do people understand when they hear the term or claim to use ‘autonomy’ in their teaching?
Judith Hamilton (UK)
Let us know what you think, please, by contacting the FIPLV editorial office: or by writing to: Teresa Siek-Piskozub, School of English, Adam Mickiewicz University, al. Niepodległości 4, PL-61-874 Poznan, Poland. We look forward to publishing some of the accounts in our Forum for Controversial Issues.
IATEFL 34th International Annual Conference will take place in Dublin, Ireland from 27 - 31 March 2000. Over 1,000 ELT professionals from around the world are expected to take part in it. Five Pre-Conference Events will be held on Monday 27:
IATEFL Conference Selections are available from the IATEFL Head Office:
For more information contact: IATEFL Head Office, 3 Kingsdown Chambers, Whitstable, Kent, England, CT5 2 FL; E-mail:
35th RELC International Seminar
The Regional Language Centre, an educational project of the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization is announcing the 35th RELC International Seminar. The topic is Language Curriculum and Instruction in Multicultural Societies.
The Seminar will have the following aims:
Papers and workshops will relate to the following broad areas within the seminar theme:
Participants will be accommodated at the RELC International Hotel or at hotels close to the venue. Deadline for reservation with RELC is 17 March.
For more information and registration contact: Seminar Secretariat, SEAMEO Regional Language Centre, 30 Orange Grove Rd., Singapore 258352, Republic of Singapore; Tel: + (65) 737 9044; Fax: + (65) 734 2753; E-mail:
3rd Summer School in Psycholinguistics
May 29 – June 2, 2000
Balatonalmádi, Hungary
Hungarian Association of Language Teachers and Applied Linguistics is inviting to the 3rd Summer School in Psycholinguistics which will take place in Balatonalmádi in Hungary. This year’s topic is Mental lexicon, mental representation of lexical processes and LSP.
The invited guests are David Singleton (Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland) and Howard Jackson (UCE, Birmingham, UK) who will give several talks during the first two days followed by some papers contributed by the participants of the Summer School.
Abstracts of 30 or 45 minutes papers containing approximately 200 words should be sent before January 30. They should be on a diskette in Word 6.0 or Word97 and also in hard copy or through E-mail ( with: margins 2,50 cm, title (Times New Roman 13, bold), author’s name (Time New Roman 13, normal, small caps), institution (Times new Roman 11, normal), 1,5 spaced justified lines, one bare line and then the text itself (Times New Roman 11, normal characters).
Suggested topics for papers: the mental lexicon
The languages of the Summer School are English and Hungarian.
The Summer School will be organised in a conference centre of Veszprém University in a holiday resort on the Northern shore of Lake Balaton, about 120 kms from Budapest. The conference hall is located right on the shore of Lake Balaton. Apart from the scientific programme there will be some cultural events (sight-seeing, visiting a castle, sailing and receptions). Hungary has a continental climate. This time of the year is usually warm and without any rains but apart of informal summer clothes, swimming suits and something to put on for the night walks is recommended. Accommodation and meals are arranged by the organisers. There is also a possibility to have an organised transport from Ferihegy airport to Balatonalmádi.
For more information and registration contact: Dr. Zsolt Lengyel or Dr. Judit Navracsics, University of Veszprém, Department of Applied Linguistics, Egyetem u. 10. H-8201, Veszprém, Hungary. Phone/Fax: + 36 88 406 360; E-mails: ;
APETAU First International Conference
Amman 28-30 August 2000
The Association of Professors of English and Literature at Arab Universities, founded in 1997, is holding its first international conference in Amman during 28 - 30 August 2000. The theme of the conference is Roles of Departments of English and Translation at Arab Universities in the New Millennium. Participation in the conference is not restricted to professors/lecturers of English at Arab Universities. Deadline for proposals is 15 February 2000.
Enquiries and proposals should be addressed to: Prof. Lewis Mukattash, APETAU, University of Jordan, PO Box 13315, Amman, Jordan.Fax: 962-6-533176.
XII. Internationale Tagung der IDT
Luzern - 30. Juli bis 4. August 2001
Mehr Sprache – mehrsprachig – mit Deutsch
didaktische und politische Perspektiven
Die IDT 2001 hat folgende Ziele:
Informationen bei der Tagungssekretärin: Monika Clalüna, Untermattstr. 12, Horw, Schweitz. Fax: + 41 41 349 38 66; E-mail
The Chilean branch of IATEFL started in 1992 with the first conference which attracted a little more than 100 participants; the fifth conference, in May 1998, had over 600 participants and 36 presenters; participants came from several Latin-American countries and we had distinguished guest speakers from the UK, USA, Argentina as well as many local specialists.
There has been a steady quantitative and qualitative growth of our association and for next year we expect another big success. In addition to the academic programme there will be, as in previous years, a comprehensive exhibition of ELT materials and several scholarships for 2 -4 week in-service teacher training courses offered by British EFL schools will be raffled amongst participants.
For more information contact: María Isabel Bizama Conference Programme Coordinator IATEFL-CHILE Crescente Errázuriz 1741 Santiago Chile. e-mail: Phone/fax: (56 2) 239 3189
Potchefstroom, South Africa 28-30 June 2000
South African Association for Language Teaching is announcing its conference which will take place at Potchefstroom University for CHE, Hoffman Street, Potchefstroom, South Africa. The theme of the conference is: "Challenges for language teaching in the new millennium".
The School of Languages and Arts at the Potchefstroom University for CHE hereby invites you to submit abstracts for 20 minute paper presentations at the SAALT 2000 Conference. Such abstracts must be approximately 200 words. Closing date for submission of abstracts: 30 April 2000.
Although we welcome papers that deal with any aspect of language teaching, we would like members to respond to our conference theme.
Beside papers, we also foresee workshops that will support the conference theme.
More details about accommodation, conference fees, etc., will follow in the second and final call for papers early in 2000. The information can also be found here.
Abstracts and direct enquiries should be sent to the conference organiser, Dr Bertus van Rooy, at: School of Languages and Arts Potchefstroom University for CHE POTCHEFSTROOM 2520, South Africa. E-mail: Fax: 018-299-562
Beginning Brazilian Portuguese on CDROM
The first Critical Languages Series CDROM, Beginning Portuguese, by Rosangela Silva is now available through the University of Arizona Press: 800-426-3797 (in AZ: 520-626-4218),. The two CD-ROMs are the equivalent of a beginning Brazilian Portuguese textbook and workbook with 9,000 audio recordings, 39 video clips, exercises, graphics, and extensive notes. For the latest information about the Critical Languages Series, see. Cantonese, Chinese, Kazakh, Korean, and Turkish will be available soon.
For more information contact Scott Brill Research Engineer, University of Arizona UofA Computer Aided Language Instruction Group/Critical Languages Program 520-626-9209, FAX:520-621-3386
Publications received
English Teaching Forum. A journal for the teacher of English outside the United States. Vol. 37 No. 3 July – September 1999, No.4 October –December 1999.
IATEFL Issues. No. 150 August-September 1999, No. 151 October–November 1999, No. 152 December 1999 – January 2000.
Les langues modernes. Bulletin de l’Association des professeurs de Langues Vivantes (a.p.l.v.), nu. 3 août-septembre, 1999.
LMS Lingua. Riksföreningen fór Lärarna i Moderna Språk. Nr 4 & 5, 1999.
Neusprachliche Mitteilungen aus Wissenschaft und Praxis, Herausgegeben vom Fachverband Moderne Fremdsprachen im Pädagogischen Zeitschriftenverlag (FMF), Heft 4, 1999.
Tempus, Newsletter of the Federation of Foreign Language Teachers in Finland SUKOL, No. 7 - 8, 1999.
TESOL Greece. No. 63, July - September 1999, No. 64, October – December 1999.
TESOL Matters. Vol. 9 No. 5 October/November 1999.
Neofilolog 18. Czasopismo polskiego Towarzystwa Neofilologicznego, 1999.
ETAI Forum. English Teachers’ Association of Israel. Vol. XI No. 1, Winter 1999.
FBPF. Federação Brasileira dos Professores de Francês. Informativo Bimestral Nos 23, agosto1999.
IDV Rundbrief Heft 63, Oktober 1999.
Cizí jazyky. Časopis pro teorii a praxi. Ročnik 42, 1998-1999, Ročnik 43, 1999-2000.
22-26 July 2000
Language Teaching at the Dawn of the 21st Century :
The Challenges of Plurality
Organised by: l'Association des Professeurs de Langues Vivantes – APLV & l'Université René Descartes - Paris VCentre Technique de Langues. President of the Scientific Council Louise Dabène (Université Stendhal - Grenoble III) President of the Organising Committee Michel Candelier (Université du Maine Université René Descartes - Paris V). Secretariat : Centre Technique de Langues - FIPLV - 2000, Université René Descartes - Paris V 45, rue des Saints-Pres, F-75270 Paris Cedex 06
The Latest on Language and Languages
A news service provided and edited by the Fédération Internationale des Professeurs de Langues Vivantes (FIPLV).
FIPLV contact address: PO Box 216, Belgrave, 3160, Australia.
FIPLV President: Denis Cunningham. PO Box 216, Belgrave, 3160, Australia. Telephone: Int. Code + 61 39 754 47 14. Fax: Int. Code: +61 39 754 64 19. Email:
FIPLV Vice-President: Tuula Penttilä, Viherlaaksonie 24, SF-02710 Espoo, Finland. Telephone: Int. Code: +358 059 45 07. Fax: Int. Code: + 358 0 5023 460. Email:
FIPLV Secretary-General: Judith Hamilton, Flat 64, 3 Whitehall Court, London SW1A 2EL. Telephone/fax 0171 839 5530;. Email:
FIPLV Editor: Teresa Siek-Piskozub. Editorial Office: School of English, Adam Mickiewicz University, al. Niepodległości 4, PL-61-874 Poznañ, Poland. Telephone: Int. Code + 48 61 852 88 20. Fax: Int. Code+ 48 61 852 31 03. Email:
FIPLV Treasurer: Dieter Herold, Kulenkampstrasse 15 H, D-23566 Lübeck, Germany. Telephone: International Code+ 49 451 3 27 91. Fax: International Code + 49 451 3 55 43. Email:
Subscription at the price of CHF 45 a year available from Dieter Herold.
Advertisements inside the issue - CHF 100 full page, back cover - CHF 150. Orders sent to Dieter Herold.
Any item may be quoted, reproduced or translated provided acknowledgement is given to FIPLV WORLD NEWS.