Becoming a Global Citizen by JoAnn Miller
The session began with Margo Abdel Aziz, Regional English Language Program Office, U. S. State Department, Cairo, Egypt. Her contribution emphasized how rapid changes in political, economic and social spheres necessitate equally deep and fundamental changes in the educational system. She talked about how, in Egypt, educators and public leaders are engaged in discussions and conducting pilot projects to develop programs to help students at all levels develop a rich and diverse understanding of public policy, government, and issues of citizenship and social responsibility, in order to establish civic education as a discipline in its own right, while incorporating it into other disciplines, particularly those related to the teaching of foreign languages. This is being done through activities that foster critical thinking, personalized self-reflection and development, raising students' awareness of their own culture as well as that of other countries, and at the same time enhancing their linguistic competence. The discussion of objectives and problems encountered has demonstrated how bringing in civic education themes to the EFL classroom deepens students' sense of national identity and social responsibility, while it helps them to transcend national perspectives to global ones and foster their academic and life skills.
Our second speaker was Teresa Siek-Piskozub, School of English, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznañ, Poland. Representing Europe, she demonstrated how rapid changes in technology and globalization of the European economy as well as extensive migrations have affected relations between nationals from communities with different languages, religions and cultures and how, in a place where in a period of fifty years two world wars were initiated. Recently enlightened leaders have become sensitized to all kinds of important issues, such as the need for tolerance and open-mindedness, human rights and education for peace. As the new century begins, she recognized two opposite trends: a preservation of the old concepts of national identities and a more recent trend of developing a concept of a European as is seen in the founding of the Council of Europe. Work in the field of education and culture is conducted under the aegis of the Council for Cultural Co-operation (CDCC), the main purpose of which is to develop a type of education in Europe which meets the needs of present-day society, and to draw the peoples of Europe closer together by fostering their awareness of a sense of common European identity. Also, in 1994 a new institution within the CE was formed, the European Centre for Modern Languages, to focus on the practice of the learning and teaching of modern languages; to promote dialogue and exchange among the various actors in the field; to train multipliers and to support program-related networks and research projects.
Our third speaker was, Francisco Gomes de Matos, Associação
Brasil-América and Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil.
Through an etymological route, we were led to an understanding of the themes
that most often appear when discussing global citizenship. As a representative
of the Americas, he supported the idea that, given the essentially optimistic
and constructive World Views shared by citizens in the Americas and their
determination to contributing to a justly interdependent world, a case should
be made for approaches to TESOL in which teachers help students exercise their
right (1) to view and to represent the world in human-dignifying ways, (2)
to use English in constructive, peace-enhancing, peace-promoting ways, (3)
to transform themselves into humanizers, that is, persons imbued with a human-rights-and-democracy-awareness
and a serious commitment to implementation of such values intraculturally
and interculturally.
Our final speaker, Kip A. Cates, Tottori University, Japan, represented Asia.
He gave us an overview of recent initiatives in Asia in the area of global
education and the teaching of English as a foreign language (EFL). He described
how language teachers throughout the Asian region are attempting to integrate
concepts of peace, global awareness, social responsibility and world citizenship
into their EFL curricula, content, materials, methods and programs. Through
a captivating use of anecdotes, he led us through the Japanese experience
with global citizenship, especially including the work of JALT's "Global Issues
in Language Education" Special Interest Group in Japan and how its efforts
are appearing in the classroom. He also mentioned the creation of a new Caucus
at TESOL which is of interest to all those concerned about global issues:
the TESOLers for Social Responsibility, of which he is Chair.
All in all it was a very enlightening session and, at the
end the audience demonstrated their awareness through a series of motivating
questions for the panelists.
JoAnn Miller is Chair Elect, EFL-IS. She was the organizer and the chair of
one of the Academic Sessions during TESOL 2000 Congress in Vancouver.
1 Introduction
In this ‘Note of the President’, I would like to look forward, as we have
some exciting events occurring in the near future.
2 FIPLV 2000
Thanks to Michel Candelier and his very small team on the Organising Committee,
Louise Dabene and the members of the Scientific Council, and other contributors
across the globe, we look forward to this year’s FIPLV World Congress.
FIPLV 2000, the twentieth World Congress of FIPLV, is being held in Paris.
This is significant, as this is where FIPLV began in 1931.
Plenary speakers include, among others, Hugo Baetens-Beardsmore, Boris Cyrulnik,
Georges Lüdi, David Nunan, Joseph Sheils and myself, covering the broad
themes of the Congress. Furthermore, Michel informs us that there are
over 270 presenters on the program, offering papers, workshops, posters and
other sessions on a wide range of topics to the hundreds of participants who
are expected to attend.
The dates of FIPLV 2000 - July 22-26 - were set to capitalise also on the
timing of the FIPF World Congress, which is taking place immediately before
FIPLV 2000, so that language teachers could attend both World Congresses.
While it is highly unlikely that offers of additional papers will be accepted,
there is still scope for more participants to register and attend. We
exhort all to come to Paris in July and profit by attending FIPLV 2000. (Details
of the FIPLV 2000 Website can be accessed through the FIPLV Website, at www.fiplv.org
) [see also the provisonal programme on pages 17-20].
3 FIPLV Meetings
While the idea of meetings may not excite most people as the prospect of visiting
Paris or attending a World Congress, FIPLV will be hosting meetings of the
Executive, World Council and World Assembly in Paris immediately before FIPLV
2000. The Executive is to meet on July 19, the FIPLV World Council will
meet on July 20 and the FIPLV World Assembly on July 21. Member associations
are encouraged to identify their delegates for the last of these meetings
in order that they play an important role in decisions made for future directions
of FIPLV. Details should be sent to the FIPLV President. We look
forward to having as many members as possible represented at this meeting.
4 Issues
While discussion papers have been drafted and distributed to members of the
FIPLV World Council on the frequency of FIPLV World Congresses and Co-option
to the FIPLV World Council, there are at least another two issues on the agenda:
student attrition in languages and the rejuvenation of the profession.
Both are to lead to papers, which will be distributed to members.
5 Membership
The last twelve months has seen the clarification of some matters, leading
to the renewed membership of some associations. We are very happy to
have welcomed ASEC (Bulgaria) and SAALT (South Africa) as the most recent
members. Bulgaria used to be represented in the past, I am told, while
South Africa requested membership some fifteen years ago, so we are delighted
with the current situation.
Looking ahead, we hope to admit the Russian Association of Linguists and Modern
Language Teachers (RALMLT) to membership of FIPLV in the coming months, while
there are also on the table requests for membership requirements from MAPRYAL
(Russian), LATEUM (ESL/EFL), ILEI (Esperanto), and an association from Malaysia.
Discussions are underway with associations and/or colleagues in a number of
other countries, to further membership of FIPLV while enhancing the collaboration
of language teachers from many areas across the globe. In this context,
we are hopeful of closer ties with associations from: Belarus, Chile,
China, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Malta, Slovakia, Tunisia and the
Ukraine. Discussions are also underway with representatives of other
languages with a view to the possible formation of international unilingual
associations for Chinese, Japanese and Turkish.
Only the future will provide the results to these plans, negotiations and
discussions, but we are hopeful of expanding the scope of FIPLV across the
globe, as it is the only international federation of teachers of all languages.
6 FIPLV Website
Under the management of FIPLV Vice President, Tuula Penttilä, the FIPLV
Website has seen a considerable, excellent transformation over recent months,
thanks to the efforts of our Webmaster, Terry Atkinson. Recent decisions
have seen the move away from a bilingual site to one which is multilingual
and which will be truly representative of FIPLV. The List of Member
Associations has been revised, to focus primarily on electronic links:
websites and email. A separate page has been established to pubilcise
the work, activities and resources of sponsors and supporters of FIPLV.
Additional suggestions would be welcome.
7 Invitation
As we contemplate the New Millennium, there are many challenges before us.
We invite all members to contribute by posing issues, making suggestions,
providing solutions and sharing their ideas and expertise, so that we can
take every reasonable measure to ensure the success and growth of language
teaching and learning across the globe.
We look forward to seeing you in Paris in July.
Denis Cunningham, President - FIPLV
email : djc@netspace.net.au
During 5 weeks in Australia, I was able to follow up in discussion with colleagues there the progress, impact and effects of their national language policies. Work carried out in Australia has been useful to the Nuffield Inquiry in the UK, which has now reported and which Alan Moys, Secretary to the Inquiry, and I will describe and discuss in our session in Paris.
Most Australian colleagues felt that a great deal had been achieved. The new Australian worldview embraces a heightened awareness of the importance of foreign language learning. Caveats were expressed within the profession that the pervasive climate of economic rationalism within government had led to an over-emphasis on the languages of Australia’s trading partners in South-East Asia, the promotion of instrumental as opposed to integrative motivation, and too great an emphasis on targets and outcomes - all of which were detrimental to a humanitarian and learner-friendly approach to pedagogy. FIPLV members who attend the World Congress in Paris in July will be able to learn more from our Australian colleagues at first hand.
During a week in New Zealand, I had the opportunity to find out from Simon Kernow, President of NZALT, some of the work going on there. Particularly relevant to the UK in the context of studies on motivation and the take-up of languages were surveys of senior pupils, teachers and heads of department. The forthcoming production of ‘Guidelines for a school language policy’ by NZALT was also discussed, and this too must be of interest to colleagues where there is no national policy to guide and inform departments. Our discussions recalled important work both in Scotland and England on the drastic decline in the numbers of pupils opting to continue the study of a language beyond the compulsory age of sixteen. Only 10% of learners continue with their language studies beyond this age, an issue addressed in the Nuffield Report, which recommends that a language be a specified component of the 16-19 curriculum and a requirement for entry to higher education.
In Chile I spent time in Santiago, Valparaiso and Antafagasta, where I was fortunate to visit the largest desert in the world. The colours and air quality were quite staggering. I thoroughly enjoyed meeting Maria Isabel Bizama, who was busy coordinating work on the IATEFL conference (see the last edition of World News). The Chilean IATEFL, which is extremely active and whose numbers have increased dramatically, has an innovative system for collecting members’ subscriptions: conferences are held every 2 years, and the fee for delegates automatically covers a two year membership. I hope to return to Chile, which is a fascinating, varied and beautiful country, and next time have the chance to meet members of the multilingual association, SONAPLES.
I later visited Brazil, and in a flying tour across the country from São Paulo to Corumbá (in the Pantanal swamp - the largest in the world), and thence to Paracatú, was the grateful recipient of Brazilian hospitality on a mammoth scale, returning to UK literally laden with gifts, including a huge basket of local produce. Warning to future visitors to the country: admire nothing - you will be given it, even if the shop is shut and the owner has to be found to open it - which is how I ended up with a carpet!
The vast expanse of the country makes the job of language teaching extremely challenging. Demand for English is huge, but people in Latin America are well aware that English is not enough. Indeed, smart countries - and people - thinking ahead, are investing in competence in two languages above their mother tongue. This message is repeated wherever I have travelled, and it is one heard increasingly from the business community. Demand for languages seems to outstrip capacity to supply. Ways have to be found, perhaps through technology, to meet this increased demand. Working within an international federation - making contacts and networking with colleagues globally - can inform and help teachers to develop innovative ways of meeting learners’ needs. We have a great deal to learn from each other. Contact through email cannot ever replace face-to-face contact, but can go a long way to helping teachers deal with the problems of isolation which too often accompany our work. It has been a great pleasure to me to meet through FIPLV’s connections in so many countries, a great many talented and innovative colleagues. I hope to have repaid my debt by putting some of those I have met in touch with others engaged in similar work and enterprises.
Judith Hamilton
FIPLV Secretary- General
At a congress of this scale one has a lot of difficult moments considering what to choose. It is also a rule of the thumb that the themes most interesting to us appear on the agenda as alternatives to make the decisions even harder. Every day we had a choice of themes for breakfast sessions, academic sessions, poster sessions, educational visits, not to mention possibilities for Vancouver Area Tours. Yet, apart from doing as much networking for FIPLV as possible and also getting to know the fascinating spots in and off the city, I managed to attend quite a few interesting sessions: those on learning strategies, where Rebecca Oxford was a celebrity among other distinguished speakers; some on ludic strategy joining others in singing, dancing and story telling; one on looking at the cultural appropriateness of ESL and EFL teaching materials. I was also exploring with others the mysteries of our brain, personality types, kinds of intelligence and the like during several meetings, and analysing with Douglas Brown the ways of developing the social responsibility of the profession.
I also managed to participate in a panel discussion on Becoming Global Citizen
(see p. 1-2) which may also lead to a follow-up in Cairo where I am invited
to join the Egyptian language teachers in the discussion on Civic Education
which is being co-organised by one of the TESOL panellists Margo Azis from
Vancouver conference was also a time of meeting old friends (Kip Cates from
Japan, Francisco Gomes de Matos and his Brazilian associates who had helped
him in the organisation of our previous congress in Recife) and making new
ones. Of these I would particularly like to thank Kathi Bailey, Barbara Schwarte
and David Nunan (Presidents of TESOL) for being very friendly and helpful.
I cannot also forget Kathleen Kulpas, a Vancouver teacher who invited me for
lunch to talk about her experience in teaching English in Poland and then
showed me the places she was most proud of in her city.
I would like to congratulate all those who made this convention a success.
Teresa Siek-Piskozub
FIPLV Editor of Publications
21-25 June FIPLV - Nordic-Baltic Region Conference. Theme: Multilingualism
is magic. Venue: Reykjavik. Information: Jórunn Tómasdóttir,
Email: jorunnto@fss.is
26-29 June ALA 2000. Theme: The role of Language Awareness and Knowledge about Language in the teaching and learning of mother tongue and second languages. Venue: Leicester, UK. Information: Richard Aplin, University of Leicester School of Education, 21 University Road, Leicester LE1 7RF, UK. Fax: +44 (0) 116 252 3653, Email: ALA2000@btinternet.com
28-30 June SAALT 2000. Theme: Challenges for language teaching in the new millennium. Venue: Potchefstroom, South Africa. Information: Dr Bertus van Rooy, School of Languages and Arts, Potchefstroom University for CHE. Potchefstroom 2520, South Africa, Fax: 018-299-562, afnajvr@puknet.puk.ac.za
30 June - 4 July 7th International Conference on Language and Social Psychology. Venue: Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales, UK. Information: Fax: ICLASP (+44) 1222 874242; Email: ICLASP@Cardiff.ac.uk
2-5 July NZALT’s Biennial Conference. Theme: New Millennium – New Beginnings. Venue: Rotorua, New Zealand. Information: Laytee George, 178 Otonga Rd., Rotorua, New Zealand; Fax: +64 7 346 8701; Email: georgel@waiariki.ac.nz
7-9 July Applied Linguistics Association of Australia Annual Congress. Theme: Interaction and Identity. Venue: The University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Information: Dr Edward Nicholas, Institute of Education, La Trobe University, Bundoora Victoria 3083, Australia. Fax: + (61 3) 9479 3070. Email: H.Nicholas@latrobe.edu.au
11-12 July ETAI National Summer Conference. Venue: Jerusalem. Information: Nava Horovitz, Email: horovm@mofet.macam98.ac.il
17-22 July Xe Congrès mondial de la FIPF. Venue: La Sorbonne, Paris. Information: Secrétariat Général de la FIPF, 1, Av. Léon Journault, F-923311 Sèvres Cedex.
22-26 July 20th Congress of FIPLV. Venue: Paris. Information: Michel Candelier, phone/fax: + 33 1 40 18 39 51; Email: mc.fiplv@imaginet.fr
24-29 July Congreso Internacional AEPE. Venue: Almeria. Information: Rector of the University, Almeria, Spain.
28-30 August APETAU 1st International Conference.Theme: Roles of Departments of English and Translation at Arab Universities in the New Millennium. Venue: Amman, Jordan. Information: Lewis Mukattash, APETAU, University of Jordan, PO Box 13315, Amaman, Jordan. Fax: 962-6-533176.
30 August/2 September 2nd Italian Humanistic Seminar Portonovo. Venue: Ancona, Italy. Information: Lend – Gruppo de Acona, Enrico Fermi, 1 – 600 15 Falconara Ancona. Tel.: 0347-2821223. Fax: 071914938. Email: v.gallerani@fastnet.it
4-9 September 4th International Symposium on the Acquisition of Second-Language Speech. Venue: Amsterdam. Information: Jonathan Leather, New Sounds 2000, University of Amsterdam, Spuistraat 210, 1012 VT Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
7-9 September British Council/IATEFL Special Interest Group Symposium. Venue: Madrid, Spain. Information: IATEFL Headoffice, 3 Kingsdown Chambers, Whitestable, CT5 2FL, UK. Fax: +44 1227 274415. Email: iatefl@compuserve.com
7-10 September EUROSLA 10. Venue: Kraków, Poland. Information: Anna Ni?egorodcew, Jagielonian University, The Centre for Scientific Research and Academic Conference ‘EUROSLA 10’, Collegium Novum, ul. Golebia 24, 31-007 Kraków, Poland; tel/fax: +48 12 421 26 62; Email: cbin@adm.uj.edu.pl
28-30 September GAL. Rahmenthema: Sprachbewusstheit. Venue: Bremen. Informationen: Universität Bremen, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wildgen, FB 10, Postfach 330440, 28334 Bremen; Tel: 0421/218-3126, Fax: 0421/218-4283; Email: gal2000@uni-bremen.de
10-12 November 9th International IETFL Poland Conference. Venue: Kraków, Poland. Information: Organising Committee IATEFL Poland Kraków Conference, Sw. Marka 31, 31-023 Kraków, Poland. Tel.: + 48/ 422 37 96 12, Fax: +48/ 421 81 32, Email: conference2000@iatefl.org.pl
20-22 November 1er Congrès National de l’AMPF. Theme: Diffusion et
enseignement du français en Malaisie. Venue: Université Malaya,
Kuala Lumpur. Information: Dr CHOI Kim Yok, Faculty of Languages and Linguistics,
University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur. Fax: 603-7579707. Email: olivier@umcsd.um.edu.my
24-27 February AAAL Conference. Venue: St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A. Information: Richard Young, Department of English, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Email: rfyoung@facstaff.wisc.edu
27 February–3 March 35th TESOL. Theme: Gateway to the Future Venue: Saint Louis, Missouri USA. Information: TESOL-Central Office, 1600 Cameron St. Suite 300, Va 22314-2751 Alexandria USA, Email:info@tesol.edu
7-9 July AFMLTA National Conference. Theme: Languages Our Common Wealth. Venue: Canberra Convention Centre, Australia. Information: MLTA of ACT Inc, PO Box 989 Canberra City 2601 ACT; Fax: (02) 6205 6969; e-mail: willett@dynamite.com.au
30 July - 4 August XII. Internationale Tagung der Deutschlehrerinnen und
Deutschlehrer (IDT). Thema: Mehr Sprache - mehrsprachig - mit Deutsch.
Didaktische und politische Perspektiven. Venue: Luzern, Schweiz. Information:
IVLOS Institut für Unterrichtswissenschaft - IDV, Heidelberglaan 8, NL-3584
TC Utrecht, Niederlande.
The complex process of judging human linguistic performance is a dually challenging activity facing TESOLers: theoretical and practical. Since conceptions and ways of testing (either formally or informally, with a focus on achievement or on proficiency) keep changing, this calls for a sustained effort by teachers as testers to be as up-to-date as possible, especially concerning such strategic decisions as, for example, how to make testing more authentic, creative, comprehensive, interactive, and interculturally relevant. In this age of computer-based tools for assessing learners' proficiency, how much progress has been made in applying Human Rights to evaluation in the classroom ? How can teachers and teacher-educators/trainers benefit from an exploration of classroom learners' rights and corresponding responsibilities, since they are two sides of the same coin? To arouse interest in a little, almost untrodden territory (commendably we can come across mention of democratic ways of testing in important publications, such as TESOL 's ESL Standards for Pre-K-12 Students (1997) ) , a Checklist is presented, to be expanded, refined, probed, and above all, classroom-tested by colleagues sharing this author's conviction that Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages can be made more humanizing through the application of Human Rights to Evaluation and Testing.
Classroom test takers ' rights: a Checklist
Before going through the items on this list, ask yourself : Do I assure my
students of their right, as testees , to know:
1. about the test format/content and the evaluation system underlying the
2. to what extent the test reflects an error-oriented or a non-judgemental
3. if some kind of scale will be used by the tester in correcting the tests,
namely: an error-gravity scale, an error-priority scale, etc. and based on
what criteria (examples: effect on listener/reader comprehension, sociocultural
appropriateness, grammatical correctness) and how errors will be scored?
4. what kind of ability each part assesses and the weight/importance of each
section of the test (written production, face-to-face interaction, for example)
and why?
5. if they will have the opportunity to self-evaluate or to count on peer-evaluation,
as well?
6. if evaluation will focus only/predominantly on activities/tasks and contents
which were actually experienced in class? In short, to know if the forms-meanings-uses
found in the test are similar to those practiced by the testees in class?
7. if they can use a bilingual and/or a monolingual dictionary (for learners)
during test-taking, whether for all of the test or selected parts of it?
8. if they can ask the tester to translate the instructions into their native
language (Portuguese, in the Brazilian context we are considering here ) thus
assuring testees of their right to full comprehension of what they are expected
to do?
9. if they can provide testee feedback, individually and as a classroom group,
in an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect? The testee should have the right
to tell his/her tester and all testees in the class how well he/she liked
the test and why.
10. if their written production (composition) will be rated through a description
and/or a point scale.
Another challenge: testmakers' rights and responsibilities
An equally relevant aspect of Human Rights applied to Testing has to do with
testmakers. May this brief article also be a plea for those professionals
to join the increasing community of human-educational-linguistic-intercultural
rights-minded TESOLers and critically probe the implications of their test-making
rights and responsibilities, so as to further humanize their important interdisciplinary
creations. In the same spirit, makers ( authors, publishers of International
Exams ) are also urged to explore new routes in the challengingly fascinating
territory of examinees' and examiners' rights and responsibilities.
Dr. Francisco Gomes de Matos is Professor of Applied Linguistics at the Universidade
Federal de Pernambuco, and a founding member of the Associacao Brasil-América
Binatio nal Center in Recife.Email : fcgm@cashnet.com.br
Informationen: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wildgen, Universität Bremen, FB 10,
Postfach 3300440, 28334 Bremen, Tel.: 0421/218-3126, Fax: 0421/218-4283, Email:
We have also improved our service to the TESOL Placement Bulletin subscribers. Subscribers to the e-mail version can now receive BOTH the e-mail and the hard copy versions. Plus, subscribers will be able to search jobs at TESOL Online Career Center. That’s 3 services for one low fee.
TESOL 2001, the 35th Annual Convention and Exposition, will take place in Saint Louis, Missouri USA on February 27-March 3. The theme this time is Gateway to the Future. The deadline for In Progress, Poster, and Video Theater sessions is August 14, 2000. You can submit a proposal for TESOL 2001 over the Web using our web-based proposal submission form, print an Adobe Acrobat PDF of the Call for Participation right from your web browser, e-mail info@tesol.edu to request a copy be mailed or faxed see http://www.tesol.edu/conv/index.html for information on the various methods of submitting your proposal for adjudication.
Information: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Inc. 1600
Cameron St. Suite 300, Va 22314-2751 Alexandria USA
Research & Practice
in Professional Discourse
Hong Kong, November 15-19th, 2000
City University of Hong Kong is announcing an international conference on
"Research & Practice in Professional Discourse". The conference will focus
on issues of research and practice in professional discourse. In particular
we wish to highlight the relationship between texts, the ways they are constructed
and used, and the institutional practices they help to sustain. The conference
will emphasise the link between theory and practice, exploring the ways we
research, teach and participate in professional discourse. We welcome
papers on any aspect of communication in the professions, the academy and
the workplace that illustrate this interdependency of discoursal, social and
institutional practices, or which show how research might feed back into those
practices, particularly through teaching and training.
1. Plenary Speakers: Charles Bazerman (University of California - Santa Barbara),
Vijay Bhatia (City University of Hong Kong), Yueguo Gu (Beijing Foreign Studies
University and Chinese, Academy of Social Science), Tom Huckin (University
of Utah), Jim Martin (University of Sydney), Srikant Sarangi (Cardiff University),
John Swales (University of Michigan), Ruth Wodak (University of Vienna).
2. Call for Papers: We are soliciting 200 word abstracts for papers
related to the theme of the conference. Please send two copies. One should
contain in the top left corner your full name (family name first), title,
affiliation, address, tel. no., fax no., and e-mail address. Please include
your alternative contact particulars should you plan to be away from your
regular contact point during the summer months. The other, for the purposes
of blind review, should contain only the title and the abstract. The
deadline for receipt of abstracts, which can be sent by e-mail or ordinary
post, is May 31. Decisions will be conveyed to applicants from early July.
The e-mail and ordinary mail addresses may be found in the following
3. Pre-conference Workshops (Master Classes) on Wednesday 15th November (am
and p.m.): Six workshops of two hours where keynote speakers will demonstrate
and discuss particular analytical/research tools. Participation is limited,
by separate application and registration.
4. Research Forum on Thursday 16th November: A panel of the keynote speakers
will discuss different research methodologies they would use to address specific
texts, followed by a moderated general discussion with participants
5. Post-conference Exchange - Guangzhou, PRC on Saturday 18th and Sunday
19th November 2000: We are planning a short extension to continue the themes
and interests of the conference at a different venue to give greater
opportunities for discussions with mainland colleagues. Further details to
be announced
6. Conference Dinner on Friday 17th November.
Information on registration, hotel accommodation, and social activities will
be included in the conference website.
Information: The Centre for English Language Education & Communication
Research at: Tel: (852) 2788-8209, 2194-2625. Fax: (852) 2788-7261.
Email: Prof.Discourse2000@cityu.edu.hk
FBPF. Federação Brasileira dos Professores de Francês. Informativo Bimestral Nos 24, fevereiro 2000.
Global Issues in Language Education Newsletter. National Special Interest Group of the Japan Association of Language Teachers (JALT), Issue 38, April 2000.
IATEFL Newsletter. No. 154, April-May 2000.
IATEFL PL Newsletter. Young Learners Edition. No. 17. August-September 1998.
IDV Rundbrief Heft 64, April 2000.
Les langues modernes. Bulletin de l’Association des professeurs de Langues Vivantes (a.p.l.v.), nu. 1 février-mars-avril, 2000.
LE POLYGLOTTE. No.40. Supplément au Les langues modernes. Bulletin de l’Association des professeurs de Langues Vivantes (a.p.l.v.), nu. 1, février a mai 2000,.
Lingua. Boletín del Centro de Información y Documentación sobre Traducción y Terminología en Lengua Española, Victoria Ocampo, Biblioteca Nacional, No. 02, Septembre –Diciembre 1999.
LMS Lingua. Riksföreningen fór Lärarna i Moderna Språk. Nr 1 & 2, 2000.
Neusprachliche Mitteilungen aus Wissenschaft und Praxis, Herausgegeben vom Fachverband Moderne Fremdsprachen im Pädagogischen Zeitschriftenverlag (FMF), Heft 1, 2000.
New Routes. DISAL S.A. Distribuidores Associados de Livros,São Paulo. 8, November 29th, 1999
Tempus, Newsletter of the Federation of Foreign Language Teachers in Finland SUKOL, No. 1-3, 2000.
TESOL Greece. No. 65, January – March 2000.
TESOL Matters. Vol. 9 No. 6 December 1999 - January 2000; Vol. 10 No. 1,
February - March 2000.
Boris CYRULNIK (France), « Phylogénèse et ontogénèse
du langage »
Hugo BAETENS-BEARDSMORE (Belgique), « Politique linguistique et sauvegarde
de la diversité. »
Denis CUNNINGHAM, Président de la FIPLV (Australie) : « Meeting
the challenge of global multilingualism in an age of technological evolution.
Georges LÜDI (Suisse) : « Ein Gesamtkonzept für die individuelle
Mehrsprachigkeit in der Schweiz : Prinzipien und Verwirklichung / Un concept
général pour le plurilinguisme individuel en Suisse : principes
et mise en œuvre ».
David NUNAN (Hong Kong), « The second language curriculum in the new
millenium. »
Joseph SHIELS (Conseil de l’Europe), « The Council of Europe’s language
policy : achievements and perspectives. »
Quelles options méthodologiques pourront répondre à la
diversité des cultures des apprenants en présence, y compris
celle de leurs cultures d’apprentissage ?
Variations culturelles J. LUMU (Afrique du Sud), Béatrice BOUFOY BASTIK
(Jamaique ), Haruko NISHIO (Japon), Jean-Michel ROBERT (France)
Langue et identité Filipa AMENDOEIRA et Edviges A. FERREIRA ( Brésil),
R. SPENCE (Nouvelle Zélande)
Langue, proximité, migration Silvia LUCCHINI (Belgique),
Muriel MOLINIE (France), Evangèlia MOUSSOURI (France), Gloria PAGANINI
(France), Sandra ROSENBERG ( Uruguay)
Relation éducative et enseignement des langues Brigitte ALBERO (France),
Carmen COMPTE (France), G. SPENCE (Nouvelle .Zélande), Claire TARDIEU
Comment l’enseignement des langues étrangères peut-il répondre
à la demande sociale ? Comment peut-il, conformément aux principes
du programme Linguapax de l’Unesco, préparer le futur adulte à
jouer son rôle de citoyen au sein de sociétés où
les valeurs sont constamment confrontées les unes aux autres et remises
en cause ? Comment peut-il offrir à chaque individu l’enrichissement
nécessaire à son épanouissement, et assurer ainsi le
respect des droits linguistiques, qu’il s’agisse du droit au plein exercice
de la langue identitaire ou de celui d’accéder à celle des autres
Diversité culturelle et fonctions de l’école - Claire
TARDIEU (France)
Droits linguistiques et épanouissement individuel - Dolors REIG I GARGANTA
(Linguapax, Catalogne), Marisa SOCHALA
Langue et identité - Inyani k. SIMALA (Kenya), Sean McGOVERN (Japon)
Anglais et identité linguistique - Hilario BOHN (Brésil), Telma
GIMENEZ (Brésil), Vilson LEFFA (Brésil),
Nachbarsprachendidaktik (Internationaler Deutschlehrerverband) - Micheline.
S. BAUR (Allemagne), W. PFEIFFER (Allemagne), A. RAASCH (Allemagne)
Ainsi que : Kip CATES (Japon)
Les politiques linguistiques éducatives mises en œuvre à divers
niveaux, et qui sous-tendent les options didactiques, sont-elles en mesure
de garantir de tel droits et de créer les conditions d’un véritable
pluralisme linguistique et culturel ?
Diversifier : plurilinguisme, minorités, zones et centres « au
contact »: Marie FENCLOVA (Rép. Tchèque), Olga OZOLINA
Table ronde : Aline GOHARD-RADENKOVIC (Suisse), Michael LANGER (Suisse), Anthony
CLARK (Suisse), Bruno FRICHERZ (Suisse)
Compétence à communiquer et diversité culturelle: Saleh
M. AL-SALMAN (Jordanie), Cem ALPTEKIN (Turquie), Antonella BENUCCI (Italie),
Maria Amelia CARVALHO BEZERRA (Brésil)
Les langues et le Mercosur Mariella AITA (Venezuela), Maria AVANY PEIXOTOS
dos SANTOS (Brésil), Laura MASELLO (Uruguay), Christine PIC GILLARD
L’enseignement de l’arabe en Europe à l’aube XXIème siècle:
Abdeljalil LAAMIRI (France), Moktar ELGOURARI (France), Marie SANAGUSTIN (France),
Floréal SANAGUSTIN (France), Sophie TARDY (France)
Des demandes nouvelles - Edward BRESSAN (Irlande), Mary GRAY (Nouvelle-Zélande)
Aspect historique - Neusa Maria Oliveira Barbosa BASTOS (Brésil), Nancy
dos Santos CASAGRANDE (Brésil), Rosemeire Leao da Silva FACCINA (Brésil),
Marilena ZANON (Brésil)
Tables rondes :
§ Situation de l’enseignement des langues dans les Pays d’Europe Centrale
et Orientale depuis 1989. Irena ATAMANOVA (Biélorussie), Erzsébet
CSEKENE-JONAS (Hongrie), Larysa DIMANOVA (Ukraine), Marta HOVARTH (Hongrie),
Vitalia KOLESNIKOVA (Biélorussie), Irena KRUSZKA (Pologne), Eva MATE
(Hongrie), Nathalie NIZHNEVA (Biélorussie), N.PORTNOVA, Gyorgyne REPASI
(Hongrie), Katalin SZERENCSI (Hongrie), Constantin SERGUEITCHEV (Russie),
Gabor SCEKELY (Hongrie), Tomas VRAUKO (Hongrie), Janina ZIELI?SKA (Pologne)
· La région Europe de l’Ouest de la FIPLV : S’ouvrir à
la différence linguistique et culturelle - Un défi pour l’Europe.
§ Changement, idéologie et politique linguistique.(Australian
Federation of Modern Language Teachers Associations): Michel CANDELIER (France),
Judith HAMILTON (Grande Bretagne), Leo PAPADEMETRE (Australie), Angela SCARINO
(Australie), Amy B.M. TSUI (Hong Kong)
Ainsi que : Marcia ARBEX (Brésil), Judith HAMILTON et Alan MAYS (Grande
Bretagne), D.E. INGRAM (Australie), Martine PLARD-DERIVRY (France), Noriyuki
Quels objectifs et quels contenus doit-on privilégier pour un apprentissage
conçu désormais à l’échelle de toute une vie ?
Quels choix curriculaires peut-on imaginer ? Comment les mettre en œuvre ?
Problématique curriculaire: C. BERGER, A CAIN (France), COLEMAN, Hans-Dieter
STEAGIOU et Geneviève ZARATE (France)
Tables rondes :
§ FNAPLV(Portugal) : Le cadre européen de référence
et sa mise en œuvre au Portugal:Maria Arminda BRAGANCA, Alberto GASPAR,
Maria Atonieta LARANJO, Maria Manuel RICARDO, Zelia SAMPAIO SANTOS.
§ L’impact des standards linguistiques : est-ce que certains standards
linguistiques sont plus efficaces que d’autres ? .(Australian Federation of
Modern Language Teachers Associations): Penny McKAY (Australie), Pauline REA-DICKENS
(Grande Bretagne), Angela SCARINO (Australie), Andrew SCRIMGEOUR (Australie)
§ EVLANG : Eveil aux langages et ouverture aux langues à l’école
primaire: Coordination : Michel CANDELIER (Université René Descartes
Paris V. Université du Maine) et Dominique MACAIRE (Université
René Descartes Paris V), Micheline BAUR (Allemagne), Martine KERVRAN
(IUFM Orléans-Tours) Christiane PERREGAUX (Suisse), Cécile SABATIER
(Université Grenoble III), Laurent TECHER (IUFM de la Réunion),
Cyril TRIMAILLE (Université Grenoble III)
§ GALATEA : Enseignement et apprentissage des langues voisines :Coordination
: Louise DABENE (Université Grenoble III)
Étude du fonctionnement cognitif dans l’apprentissage: Peter ECKE (Mexique),
Judy HAJDU (Australie), Franca BIZZONI et Luz A. F. CORONA et Sabina LONGHITANO
(Mexique), Hélène MARTINEZ (Allemagne), Kazimiera MYCZKO (Pologne),
Daphnée SIMARD (Québec)
Rôle de L1, questions de grammaire dans l’apprentissage de L2:
Wolfgang BUTZKAMM (Allemagne), Mercedez FERNANDEZ (Espagne), Jose
L. FREIRE, Christiane MARQUE-PUCHEU (France)
Sujet et intersubjectivité dans l’enseignement des langues: Marisela
BONETT DE SERRA (Venezuela), Atsuko KOISHI et Sayaka NAKAJIMA (Japon)
Quels peuvent être, dans l’enseignement supérieur, les objectifs
et les moyens de l’enseignement des langues pour spécialistes d’autres
disciplines ?
Composante culturelle et apprentissage des langues avec des objectifs spécifiques:
Anthony CLARK, D. SHANAHAN, Jacqueline BREUGNOT (Allemagne), Sandrine DECAMPS,
Apprentissage des langues pour des objectifs spécifiques : moyens,
outils et méthodes: Françoise SALAGER-MEYER (Venezuela), Ed.
BRESSAN (Irlande) Rhoda Mc GRAW (France), Lida NEUWIRTHOVA (République
Comment gérer le développement inévitable des nouvelles
technologies dans l’accès aux langues et dans leur enseignement ? Jusqu’à
quel point ces technologies influenceront-elles le sens et le déroulement
des activités pédagogiques ?
Panorama et mises en perspective des moyens et des usages: Denis CUNNINGHAM
(Australie), Hermann FUNK (Allemagne), Fabienne GERARD (Etats-Unis), Ronald
GRÄTZ (Allemagne), Jean-Yves PETIT-GIRARD (France), Jillian TAYLOR (Australie),
Tuula S. PENTTILÄ (Finlande), Carla VIANA COSCARELLI (Brésil)
Nouvelles technologies et diffusion des langues: Dieter ARNSDORF et Chris
MAJARI (France), Jean-Sébastien DOT (Australie), Anthippi POTOLIA et
François STUCK
Les TIC et les langues à l’Université: Rota BANKAVA et Zigrida
VINCHELA (Lettonie), Gabriela ILIEVA (Etats-Unis)
Table ronde : Cécile DESOUTTER (Italie), Pascle NOET (Suisse), Pascale
BANON (Suisse), Patrcia KOLHER (Suisse)
Enseignement à distance (université) et apprentissage en tandem:
Jelsa CIARDI AVOLIO (Brésil), Màra Lucia FAURY (Brésil),
Alexandra FOGLI SERPA GERALDINI (Brésil), Karin KLEPPIN (Allemagne)
Évolution des normes sociolinguistiques et dimensions interculturelles:
Jacqueline BREUGNOT (Allemagne), Rick BROADAWAY, R. Scott DRAYER et Kazunobu
Analyses et expériences : vidéo et « chats »” Joao
Pedro AIDO, Yvonne HOWELL (Etats-Unis), Teadira PEREZ (Venezuela)
Ainsi que : Françoise DEMAIZIERE (France), Angeline MARTEL (Canada)
Peut-il et doit-il exister des modes d’accès diversifiés à
l’écrit, en fonction de la diversité des relations entretenues
par les sociétés avec le monde de l’écriture ?
Production/expression: Sybille KERCHNER (Allemagne), Danielle OMER (France),
Jose Silvestre VILLALOBOS (Venezuela)
Compréhension: Khadijah LAKKIS (Liban), Juan Andrés LARRINAGA
(Uruguay), Regina Lucia PERET DELL’ISOLA (Brésil), Blandine RUI et
Marc SOUCHON (France), Rita Maria Diniz ZOZZOLI (Brésil)
Qu’en est-il aujourd’hui des efforts entrepris pour donner à l’oral
un statut conforme aux besoins de l’apprenant et de la société
Techniques de classe: Alex CORMANSKI (France), Matha HORVATH (Hongrie), Teresa
Traitement phonologique: John P. BRODERICK (Etats-Unis), Ingrid GOILO DE TYRODE
(Venezuela), Ursula HIRSCHFELD (Allemagne), Erwin LACRUZ (Venezuela), Michaël
VAUGHAN-REES (Angleterre)
Commmunication, contexte, interaction: Margaret GEARON (Australie), Norimar
JUDICE (Brésil) et Alice XAVIER (Brésil), Michael KOENIG (Allemagne),
Liam MORGAN (Australie), Christine REYMOND et Claire TARDIEU (France), Oleg
TARNOPOLSKY (Ukraine), Noel WATTS (Nouvelle Zélande)
Comment élargir la palette des techniques d’enseignement et inclure
des formes diversifiées d’entraînement à la pratique,
depuis l’usage renouvelé des activités ludiques jusqu’à
l’enseignement de contenus relevant d’autres disciplines ?
Inter-culturel: Gunther AUGUSTIN (Brésil), Reinhold BUBSER et Siegrun
WILDNER ( Etats-Unis), Florence DRAVET (Brésil), Maria José
FARIA CORACINI (Brésil), Karen RISAGER (Danemark)
Langue et culture, identité, interaction, stratégies d’enseignement:
Cecilia SESSAREGO (Canada), Mariluz DI TILLIO (Venezuela), Maria Cândida
Comment former, pour le 21ème siècle, des enseignants capables
de prendre en charge cette pluralité et de la transformer en atout
pour la société autant que pour les individus qui la composent
Dimension culturelle dans la formation : Georges ANDROULAKIS (Grèce),
Christina AVELINO et Francine ARROYO (Portugal), Maria LARANJO et Maria TERROSO
et Victor S. MOTA (Portugal), Liddy PLOMARES de MENDOZA
Formation au niveau primaire: MC. FERRAO TAVARES (Portugal), Leonora FROLICH-WARD,
Anémone GEIGERT- JAILLET (France), G. HERMANN-BRENECKE (Allemagne),
Yvonne VRHOVAC (Croatie)
Dimension réflexive et préparation à l’autonomie dans
la formation ; projets européens: Louis BEGIONI (France), Itacita A.
FERREIRA (Brésil), Paula MENEZES, Marisela SERRA, Marie-Thérèse
VASSEUR et Bernadette GRANDCOLAS (France), Kristina PAVLOVIC (Allemagne)
Université René Descartes Paris V – CTL-FIPLV 2000, 45, rue
des Saints Peres 75006 Paris