
Secretary General's Letters

Letter 4 November 1999

Letter 3 June 1999

Letter 2 February 1999

Letter 1 October 1998

FIPLV Mailshot 4, November 1999

While we have numbered the items, member associations should of course feel free to edit the mailshot in whatever way they see fit, and include only those items they consider of interest to their members. FIPLV will be very happy to receive any feedback or comments from members.

1. Hot news: Paris 2000 Deadline for reductions extended to 1 January!!!

Arrangements continue apace for this exciting event. The full programme is due to reach you before the end of the year, and the very good news for members is that there has been an extension of the deadline for registration at the lower price of FFr 400 for the whole conference until 1/1/2000. This has to be the best value-for-money conference of the 20th century! But don’t delay.

Here is a note from the Organiser, our former President, Michel Candelier:

Le Comité scientifique a examiné les propositions de présentation, qui ont été très nombreuses et pour la plupart de très bonne qualité. Un programme provisoire va être élaboré et envoyé aux associations dans la deuxième quinzaine de novembre. La date limite pour bénéficier d'un tarif "early bird" va être repoussée au 1/1/2000. Cependant, nous vous demandons de rappeler à vos adhérents qu'ils
doivent s'inscrire le plus tôt possible, car l'organisation du congrès entraîne des besoins financiers importants, dès maintenant.

The Congress dates are Saturday 22 July - Wednesday 26 July. You can register on the Web: http:/www.ctl.univ-Paris5.fr/fiplv2000

Or you can obtain Registration Forms from  or in recent editions of FIPLV World News.

Fédération Internationale des Professeurs de Langues Vivantes
Organisation of the XXth Congress
Université Réné Descartes
Paris V
45 rue des Saints  Pères

2.  EYL 2001

Our treasurer general Dieter Herold sent information on the European Year of Languages 2001 to member associations. In case someone is interested and did not get Dieter's e-mail, this is also available here on the web site.

Dieter says: ‘Don't forget to join in the efforts to make the general public aware of the need to respect and to learn languages. Do join in the efforts to make politicians, decision makers and other people responsible in the area of education and further learning, to make them aware of the necessity to support the EYL 2001, morally and financially.’

I would add, do let us know what you are planning to do.

3. PRAGUE meetings

The executive held two meetings in Prague on 18th and 19th September. Denis Cunningham, our President, chaired a meeting which brought together representatives of KMF - our member association in the Czech Republic - the members of the FIPLV Executive and teachers of English, French and Spanish from Prague and regional centres.  KMF representatives included Josef Hendrich, Marie Fenclova and Mary Hawker, who hosted the gathering. The purpose of the meeting was to bring together language teachers of the secondary sector and members of KMF, with the intention of KMF's expanding its profile to embrace more teachers of the secondary sector.  An excellent collaborative dinner of several present allowed for continuing discussion.

The executive’s own statutory meeting had a packed agenda, but it would only be fair to say that the executive committee did manage to fit in a small amount of sightseeing, including a delightful dinner on a boat on the river Vltava, hosted by Professor Josef Hendrick of Krug Moderner Fremdsprachen. And yes, for those of you who have not yet visited the city, it is every bit as lovely as people say.

4. Learner Autonomy - myth or reality

FIPLV is interested in collecting views from its member associations, and is particularly interested in individual reports of first-hand accounts of introducing autonomy into school language learning. We hope to publish findings in the coming year, so please let us have your reactions to this important inquiry. The new edition of World News carries a short article on what is proposed. Questions to which your answers are sought are reproduced here:

1.  Is autonomy of the learner already a fact in your country?
2.  Have you taught (and for how long) an autonomous learning class?
3.  What was your initial rationale for this approach?
4.  Have you experienced some initial problems? (If ‘yes’ please specify. Did you manage to overcome the difficulties? How?)
5.  What are your present arguments for/against this approach?
6.  Have you experienced some resistance to the idea from other people (please specify who and their arguments).
7.  In view of your experience, can every age group and every class be granted autonomy? Why? Why not?
8.  What advice would you give to those who plan to start running an autonomous class?
A personal note from JH: ‘Learner autonomy’ is a term which itself has different interpretations. At one extreme, one has to ask if there is in fact any other kind of learning. Another viewpoint sees it as fundamentally dishonest - offering ‘supposed’ choices of activity within a limited range prescribed by the teacher. Others see it as the epitome of the democratic classroom where learners come to take responsibility for the management of their own learning - which is after all what adult learners do. So what exactly do people understand when they hear the term or claim to use ‘autonomy’ in their teaching? Let us know what you think, please, by contacting the FIPLV editorial office:


or by writing to:
Teresa Siek-Piskozub, School of English, Adam Mickiewicz University, al. Niepodleglošci 4, PL-61-874 Poznan, Poland

We look forward to publishing some of the accounts in our Forum for Controversial Issues.

5. Up-date on the UK Languages Inquiry

The Nuffield Languages Inquiry  is beginning work on its report due to appear early in the Year 2000. It has some thorny issues to address and one wonders how exactly the commission members will deal with issues like early learning (should this be implemented country-wide? How could it be afforded?), compulsion (should this be introduced post-16?), diversification (should the British be weaned off teaching so much French?),  the role of grammar, and many more. Questions of access and equity have also been raised by respondents. The final report is unlikely to please everyone. As they say, watch this space!


Following a recent meeting I am hoping to be able to link up with language teaching colleagues in some African countries. If anyone has such contacts, please get in touch with me or indeed any of the FIPLV executive.


A letter has been despatched in support of a plea by the Association for Language Learning, our UK association to broadcasters to ask that they think again about suspending broadcasts of programmes in French within the UK. If your association feels that the support of FIPLV would aid the cause of language learning in your country, we would urge members to let us know. It is surprising the extent to which notice is taken of an organisation which can claim to be international.

8   Two visits

A very important role for FIPLV consists of encouraging the formation of national associations in order to bring together teachers of languages. The following accounts demonstrate how FIPLV executives make use of attendance at conferences to promote such collaborative efforts.

 President’s Moscow visit

Our President had an extremely busy schedule on his recent visit to Europe. The following is a short edited extract from his report:

September 21-27:   Leaving Prague at 1000 via Frankfurt saw me arrive at the Sheremyetyevo Airport of Moscow at 1805 local time.  Collected at the airport by Ludmila Baranova, I arrived at the Moscow State University at 2005 - catching up with Michael Lewis - before enjoying the University accommodation. The following morning a meeting was scheduled with Prof. Svetlana Ter-Minasova (Dean of the Foreign Languages Faculty), Olga Alexandrova and Ludmila Baranova (English Department, Faculty of Philology).  The meeting provided invaluable background on the languages scene in Russia, focussing on my priorities of the visit : the formation of a national multlingual association in Russia, MAPRYAL (the international association of teachers of Russian) and their ultimate membership of FIPLV.

 (MSLU): September 22 :Meeting with Representatives of Moscow State Linguistic University
There followed a typical Russian repast, organised by Prof Irina Khaleeva, which facilitated discussion. The trilingual discussion (in English, Russian and French) focussed on the role and activities of FIPLV, the formation of a national multilingual association (under the aegis of the Russian Department of Education) and ways in which this multilingual association could be formed and join FIPLV.

September 22-25: LATEUM Conference in Moscow (Russia):  Organised admirably by Ludmila Baranova, this Fifth International LATEUM Conference - an affiliate of IATEFL - brought together some 200 participants from a range of countries, including Russia, Belarus, China, England, Latvia, Scotland and Ukraine, with some "locals" coming from as far afield as Novosibinsk (Siberia) and Kaliningrad.

Vice-President attends LAKMIDA conference in Vilnius 22 - 23 October, 1999

Here are some edited excerpts from the report by Vice-President Tuula Pentillä

Friday 22 Oct:The keynote speech was by Stase  Skapiene, Vice Minister of Education. She spoke about Early Language Learning Curriculum Framework. They are working on their national curriculum and she asked the audience for their input. There were four plenary sessions. I had the honour of having the first plenary and I spoke about Intercultural Education in FL classroom. Tim Philips, British Council in Slovakia spoke about Drama and Lada Rovanova and Emilia Mironovova from Slovakia had a topic called Higher Quality by Communication and Co-operation.
There were 6 sub-themes: ELT Methodology,  Learner Independence, Research, Literature, Modern Technologies and Young Learners. At the end of the first day they had 6 meetings where they decided to form SIGs under the headings of the subtitles of the conference.

 Saturday 23 Oct.: I listened to a few interesting papers on Research. The final plenary was by the British Council representative, Serena Yeo, who spoke about Lithuania Cross Cultural Issues.
There were about 180 participants and about 10 foreign lecturers. The conference was well organized and people seemed pleased with the presentations. The atmosphere was relaxed and pleasant. In the afternoon we were taken around the old town and later in the evening there was a dinner for the foreign lecturers.

Towards the formation of a national multilingual association: Lithuania has had a preliminary committee since the Executive Committee was there in 1994. Its members are the presidents of the three existing unilingual associations; English, French, German. I had a meeting with Izolda Geniene (English) and Aldona Mikalauskiene (German) and we discussed the establishing of a multilingual federation. The president of the Association of Teachers of French was in Paris. They are ready to establish the federation. Their first step is to work on their statutes and then register the association. Izolda asked me to write a letter to the Ministry of Education in support of their joining FIPLV. There is a lot of good will, but everything takes time.

I enjoyed the conference and the hospitality of our Lithuanian colleagues and had a chance to see something of the beautiful old town of Vilnius.

9. Translation of mailshot

As recipients know, we have made efforts in the past to distribute (mostly German) translations of the mailshot to those who might desire them. We regret on this occasion that internal pressures mean this is not possible right now. Perhaps members will be able to enlist the help of colleagues for explanation of sections which they particularly wish to understand.

10.  Secretary General on the road

For those of you who do not know this, I have the fortune to be married to someone with masses of airpoints. This is to explain what I shall be doing in the next few months (DV). I am giving you this information in case you think there is someone ‘out there’ who might be interested in talking about the work of our federation: Starting next week I will be in: Sweden, Chile, The Virgin Island, Florida, Australia, Beijing…. for starters - and of course Paris in July! Then I shall need a holiday….


Judith Hamilton
Secretary General, FIPLV

FIPLV Mailshot 1   October 1998

Executive committee meeting Sept. 29th 1998

The executive committee of FIPLV held its second meeting of 1998 in Graz, Austria, on 29th September and 2nd October, where Michel Candelier on behalf of the executive had co-organised Workshop 15/98 in conjunction with the European Centre for Modern Languages in Graz on the contribution of language teaching to peace (see below). As usual there were many items on the agenda, including reports of meetings, conferences and activities in places as far apart as Tel Aviv, Finland, New Zealand and Slovenia.

FIPLV involvement with international and other humanitarian organisations had continued, indicating the committee’s intention of reaching out to include within the field of language teaching and learning issues reflecting a wide view of the world, and to bring together teachers of languages from as broad a spectrum as possible.

Further steps had been taken to promote relations with the international business community, in line with the notion of expanding horizons in a world which is rapidly becoming increasingly accessible, and where, while the tasks of the teacher are becoming increasingly complex, demands for transparency regarding their performance are making themselves heard.

In connection with its ongoing work on promoting tolerance in the context of language teaching, the committee warmly welcomed the publication of ‘Language Teaching and Tolerance/ Enseignement des langues et tolérance: Collection of materials for teachers/Sélection de documents pédagogiques which it is hoped will be of interest to member associations. FIPLV and the European Centre for Modern Languages in Graz are keen to follow up the activities of the workshop and promote interest in this area wherever possible in the context of local associations of teachers (see below).


 30 September - 3 October 1998
 European Centre for Modern Languages, Graz, Austria.

The representation of  over 25 language associations throughout Europe, with an emphasis on those located in recent or potential conflict zones such as the Balkans, served as a very real and pertinent focus for the objectives of the symposium, which were to make teachers aware of the crucial role that they play in developing a spirit of tolerance and the promotion of a culture of peace, and to offer avenues for reflection as well as concrete methods of working towards that goal.

The subject allowed for a great deal of discussion, ranging from deliberations as to the nature of groups and their need to protect themselves from perceived threats, to considerations of practical classroom methodologies.  A great deal of impressive work was unveiled, including the organisation by teacher trainees of a ‘peace happening’ in a Polish university, and remarkable use of technology in Finland. No-one who was there will forget the spontaneous applause accorded to a brave Serbian colleague who, with shaking hands and strong determination expressed her own feelings of the importance of the workshop’s goals, made all the more poignant with the breaking news from Kosovo and the presence of colleagues from surrounding areas.

Workshops were conducted by Michel Candelier, former President of FIPLV, Felicity MacDonald-Smith of IATEFL/Global Issues Special Interest Group and Dolors Reig of Linguapax. FIPLV were pleased to note the positive reception given to ‘Language Teaching and Tolerance/Enseignement des langues et tolérance: Collection of materials for teachers/Sélection de documents pédagogiques’ which offered many suggestions of a practical nature as well as reflections on the role of the languages teacher, of which the following (from the Introduction by Michel Candelier) serves to give a flavour:

Knowing another’s language may, because it entails communication, be a definitive step towards tolerance. But at a deeper level… to learn a language which is not one’s mother tongue may lead one to experience another vision of the world, may make one realise the relativity of that vision adopted by one’s own group and lead to a greater ability to understand the way in which others think and behave. As a result of  several experiences of such diversity, individuals may conceive their own culture as merely one of several possible responses to problems common to the human race, and also develop, in the same way, a sense of belonging to this race, over and above the frontiers of the group.

One of the fundamental objectives of language teaching… is to develop the learners’ communicative ability. .. the language class becomes the environment in which are exercised and developed the ability to listen to others, the place where learners become aware of how mutually enriching a sharing of perspectives can be. Experiencing a tolerant approach in the language class prepares learners to extend this beyond the school environment.

In a society where numerous cultural factors increasingly coexist, language teaching… can (thus) contribute to the development of a solidly responsible society which is respectful of individual identities... It is no longer sufficient simply to ask how to develop the mechanisms of comprehension and expression. The cultural dimension and the demands implied therein at the level of what is known and accepted in others -a necessarily reciprocal process - are inextricably linked to communication.

Among the many challenges for teachers noted in individual contributions, were problems such as language status - e.g. in Malta, Maltese has been accorded such a high status that English proficiency is perceived to be diminished, whereas the Basque representative pointed to the continuing need to promote teaching in and about the language. Participants from several former Warsaw pact countries noted with concern how their young people seemed to demonstrate a purely instrumental motivation to language learning as a means to make money, and seemed to lack any interest in lessons which went beyond enabling them to buy, sell, and do deals. This raised the question as to whether the teacher had the right/duty to promote a wider view of language, or whether such a view might indeed stem from future personal contacts by the learner independently from the teacher - what indeed is the teacher’s role? Others noted sadly the legacies of conflict in their countries where school leavers with different ethnic and linguistic origins, who had studied in the same schools, nevertheless held their leaving parties in different and separate locations. Our Basque colleague’s notion of ‘tolerance’ as being essentially associated with power - i.e., as something which the powerful confer on the weak, was thought-provoking; similarly conducive to lively debate were discussions on how to cope with the view of language as a source of fascinating diversity and enriching difference, where that very difference leads to distrust and conflict. A case, perhaps, of learning to accept ambiguity. There is no doubt that participants at the conference would return home with many ideas on which to ponder.

Judith Hamilton
Secretary General FIPLV

FIPLV Mailshot 2,  February 1999

While we have numbered the items, member associations should of course feel free to edit the mailshot in whatever way they see fit, and include only those items they consider of interest to their members. FIPLV will be very happy to receive any feedback or comments on this initiative.

1. Paris 2000

Work by the Organising Committee for our 20th World Congress to be held from Saturday 22 July - Wednesday 26 July in Paris in the Year 2000 is progressing. Registration Forms have already been requested from keen FIPLV members, and can be obtained by early birds by writing to:

Fédération Internationale des Professeurs de Langues Vivantes
Organisation of the XXth Congress
Université Réné Descartes
Paris V
45 rue des Saints  Pères

Early birds - those members registering before 1 November 1999 - benefit from reduced fees of FFr 400 for the whole conference. With lunch available on site or nearby for around FFr 50, and accommodation ranging from FFr 100 in  university halls of residence to FFr 600 in three-star hotels, this has to represent the best value-for-money conference of the 20th century! Travel discounts are also being negotiated.

 The conference theme is ‘The Challenges of Plurality’ and this encompasses papers (contact the Conference organisers for more information - abstracts are requested by 1 June) on:

Cultural Diversity of Learners
Social Implications
Fulfilment of Individual Potential
Educational Language Policies
The Curriculum
Languages for Specialist of other Disciplines
New Technologies
Classroom Techniques
Teacher Education

We look forward to seeing many of you there.

2. Regionalisation: Expansion into Latin America and South-East Asia

FIPLV member associations will be pleased to note that Francisco Gomes de Matos and Carmen Lucas are  co-ordinating activity towards the formation of a Latin American Region, while the Australian Federation of Modern Language Teachers’ Associations is moving to form an FIPLV Region for Southeast Asia and the Southwest Pacific.

3. FIPLV Project

a) The Role of Associations in the Professional Development of Teachers: Towards a Rationale, Process and Content

Responses to this important  survey have been received and we await feedback in response to
those distributed in French. The primary objective of this survey is to identify best practice in conducting professional development for language teachers, and to draw on this expertise to propose future directions from which language teacher associations can derive input to prepare future activities of value to our profession. The final report will include:

An introduction, a list of survey questions, a summary of responses, concentrating on the nature, focus and mechanics of professional development, a section dealing with fundamental issues  of PD, summaries of case studies, a synthesis of trends and recommendations.

Policies on the Teaching of Languages

Once FIPLV 2000 is over, Former President, Michel Candelier will begin the synthesis of Policies
on the Teaching of Languages to establish an overview of world-wide trends.


FIPLV is now in "operational relations status” with UNESCO subsequent to the latter agency’s  restructuring of its relations with Non-Governmental Organisations such as ours.  FIPLV has been actively involved in promoting Linguapax, the highlight being the Linguapax-centred Workshop in
Graz (Austria - see enclosed copy of our last mailshot), organised primarily by Former President, Michel Candelier.  Through FIPLV intervention, Linguapax featured on the programs of the UNESCO International Conference in Melbourne (Australia), as indeed in various other conferences and meetings in different parts of the world.

A great many new appointments are likely to be made at UNESCO within the next six years, and while concerns continue to be expressed in some quarters about some of the agency’s procedures, FIPLV officers have at all times felt the benefit from their own professional relationships with individuals within an agency whose support we value and with whom we have always worked in friendly collaboration.

5. Relations with our Member Associations

In the quest to retain and build upon good relations with current national multilingual and international unilingual member associations, FIPLV officers have participated in conferences and activities of IATEFL in Manchester and Ljubljana (Slovenia), AFMLTA (Australia), ALL (UK), FMF
(Germany), and NZALT (New Zealand).  Representation is planned for TESOL '99, while meetings with officers of other member associations are anticipated in 1999.

6. Expanding membership

A key objective is to encourage membership of more national multilingual associations.   To this end, discussions have been held with colleagues in Israel, the Ivory Coast, Malta, all Balkan countries (except Croatia) and most countries in Central and Eastern Europe.  The Linguapax-centred Workshop in Graz (Austria) provided considerable potential, and as already reported in our last mailshot, many very positive links were forged.

7. Other International Associations

The desire to improve relations with other international associations, has led to meetings with the Presidents of AILA, FIT and UEA.  Tuula Penttilä, our Vice President, is also in regular communication with the Secretary of MAPRYAL, while a meeting and conference in Moscow in late 1999 should facilitate meetings with its President.

8. Bereavement

We note with sadness the death of our esteemed friend and colleague, Dr Iva Pychova, member of the FIPLV World Council. Her contribution will be greatly missed.

FIPLV Mailshot 3, June 1999

While we have numbered the items, member associations should of course feel free to edit the mailshot in whatever way they see fit, and include only those items they consider of interest to their members. FIPLV will be very happy to receive any feedback or comments from members.


Thanks are due to our member organisation APLV who hosted both the above  meetings in their premises, and to Hélène Ladevie and our Treasurer General Dieter Herold for making
the arrangements.

2. Paris 2000

FIPLV Executive were invited to a meeting of the Organising Committee for the FIPLV 20th World Congress, presided over by Michel Candelier, President of the Committee., and to join with colleagues in a collegial ‘vin d’honneur’ at its conclusion.  An impressive amount of work has been taking place in anticipation of the World Congress, with arrangements well in hand for ‘restauration’ and accommodation. The first of these is a prime reason for visiting the French capital, where, despite the in-roads of fast-food and nouvelle cuisine, FIPLV executive and World Council  members were delighted to find  that it is still possible to enjoy a wonderfully satisfying meal at a very reasonable price.

Just a reminder to our members that the Congress will be held from Saturday 22 July - Wednesday 26 July in Paris.

Progress has been made also with registration for the Congress which can now be done on the Web.

For those who feel as intimidated by the Web as I do, Registration Forms are also available from:

Fédération Internationale des Professeurs de Langues Vivantes
Organisation of the XXth Congress
Université Réné Descartes
Paris V
45 rue des Saints  Pères

Remember that if you register before 1 November 1999, you benefit from reduced fees of FFr 400 for the whole conference. With lunch available on site or nearby for around FFr 50, and accommodation ranging from FFr 100 in  university halls of residence to FFr 600 in three-star hotels, this has to represent the best value-for-money conference of the 20th century!

The latest edition of FIPLV World News contains details of the Congress in German on pages 20 and 21. Conference themes are:

Cultural Diversity of Learners
Social Implications
Fulfilment of Individual Potential
Educational Language Policies
The Curriculum
Languages for Specialist of other Disciplines
New Technologies
Classroom Techniques
Teacher Education

3. Hej og god dag til vore Danske kolleger!  Hallo and welcome to our Danish colleagues!

The World Council was very pleased to endorse the application of the Danish multilingual association, Sproglaehrerforeningen, to FIPLV membership. The Nordic countries form an important and highly active group of member associations, and the addition of Denmark to their number met with considerable approval.

4.  News from South Africa

Following an initial contact by FIPLV President, Denis Cunningham, our Vice-President, Tuula Pentillã, made contact with SAALT (South African Association of Language Teachers) with a view to their applying for FIPLV membership. Hot from the press is the news that at its recent meeting SAALT decided unanimously to submit a request for membership.

5.  Bulgaria

We are also looking forward to processing the application of Bulgaria in the near future. It’s always good news for FIPLV to welcome new colleagues and expand opportunities for members to get together.

6. .Speaking of languages

A little local news from the UK, which, as you know, has a reputation for linguistic competence internationally which mirrors the reputation of its weather. The Nuffield Languages Inquiry  has been at work for a year now, looking at the national capacity in languages. Due to report early in the Year 2000, the Inquiry has received over 200 submissions, and is at present conducting an investigation into the language needs of the business community.

Some colleagues whose countries do not possess a major international language may occasionally wonder whether this might represent a considerable advantage. It certainly has accounted for a neglect of language learning in the past. However, spare a moment of pity for the poor Anglo-Saxons and their Celtic cousins, who are now asking themselves which languages they ought in fact to be learning. At present 93% of school pupils learn French (a language is compulsory up to age 16). This seems disproportionate.

The news from the business world with whom a consultative exercise is under way is that English is not enough, despite the fact that virtually all the companies consulted to date use English at board level. French is essential when dealing with France; in Germany at the top level speaking the language is a distinct advantage, and there is a considerable need for more Spanish than taught at present. Italian and Portuguese have been neglected….and then come Chinese, Japanese, Russian. All of this represents a huge challenge for language teachers, particularly those of us who only have European languages.


The venue of Paris in April allowed for a series of extremely cordial meetings with UNESCO with whom FIPLV is in ‘operational relations status’. The possibility of obtaining ‘formal relations status’ is now being explored with the help of UNESCO officials.


We have heard that under a restructuring programme this Division, which contributes a great deal to the understanding of the role of languages in an international educational and cultural context, and which has been responsible for a vast amount of work in the area of languages and peace, is concerned about its autonomy and operations. As FIPLV members know, the work of LINGUAPAX with which FIPLV has been closely associated over the years, is of considerable importance in furthering the cause of tolerance and peace - the recent symposium in Graz was an important case in point, made all the more important by the terrible events taking place in the Balkans even now.

We would ask members to urge that UNESCO retain this division by writing a letter to that effect addressed to their National Commission for UNESCO.


At the request of members of the Scottish Association of Language Teachers, FIPLV has written to a local authority in Scotland which has taken the retrograde step of discontinuing the use of Foreign Language Assistants in schools. FIPLV welcomed this opportunity to express our solidarity with membership on this important professional issue, and hope very much to hear that this decision will be reversed in the near future. For all pupils, but particularly those in areas where contact with other countries is rare, the Foreign Language Assistant is a vivid, present reminder of why we learn languages.

Judith Hamilton
Secretary General, FIPLV